Chapter nine

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This Chapter is dedicated to

Thanks for the awesome banner!

"Come on! We've been on the road for an hour, tell me where we're going!" I shouted over the blasting music from the radio.

"Will you just sit quietly?" He yelled back. My hand found it's way to the radio button but was swatted away by Chase's.

"Why'd you do that for?" I yelled.

"Don't touch my radio!"

"But it's too loud!" I whined.

"Really?" He looked at me. "Yeah well suck it up!" I crossed my hands over my chest and pouted. "Oh no...... don't give me that pouty face." I didn't change my expression even one bit. He sighed and turned off the radio. "Happy?" He asked softly.

I nodded my head quickly. "Very." I smiled making him smile back. "So where are we going?"

"Well..... it's a place..... on earth.... in USA.... in the city of New York." I frowned at his reply.

"Where exactly in New York?"
"Now now.... where is your patience? I thought I taught you better than that." I scoffed at him.

"Yeah right...." I turned towatds him and stuck my tongue out. "But seriously! How much more?"

"We're almost there...." I sighed in relief. We've been in this car for an hour-and fifteen minutes, if you consider our arguement-not taking a small break or anything! You have no idea how numb my ass is.

Now I know you guys would be thinking how cute it is of Chase to take me out on the day of school, keeping it a secret where we are going or doing later on. And you even must be thinking that it'll be romantic, we'll eat ice cream and sit on the sand. Chase's hand touches mine and he intertwines our fingers together. We look into each other's eyes and lean in and BAM we kiss and live happily ever after.

I'm sorry but I don't find anything cute or find the latter part believing.... That's never going to happen. And as for surprises, I hate them. They keep you on your nerve. And then when you start thinking of it, you are on the rush of Andrenaline. So therefore, we all come to the conclusion that surprises suck.

"Are we there?" I asked.

"Nope." He popped the 'p'.

"And now?" I asked again. He shook his head. "How about now?"

"No! Not for another 15 minutes so shut up!" I groaned but shut my mouth anyway. "Why don't we start a normal conversation?" He suggested. "How's life?"

"On anticipation."

"Now, now, don't remind yourself about this surprise. Think about good things." I turned to look at him. I smack the back of his head. "I'm driving!"

"I know." I smacked him again. "Shut up and drive." I once again looked in front and let my eyes roam on the road. "How much more time!" I yelled. There was a long pause before he replied.

"We're here!" He exclaimed as he parked his car. I excitedly looked out of the window. It was an isolated place. There was just plain land with mud. A little far away it lead to the woods. It reminded me of the woods in teen wolf for some real unknown reason. Like, a car driving on a plain road, on it's either sides there is absolutely nothing but after a sharp turn you see woods. That is so..... weird.

I quickly got off the car and stretched my hands out. My butt is really numb. I think I should slap it to gain feeling but that would be awkward. I looked at Chase who was leaning on the side of the car looking straight at me. Though his eyes looked zoned out. I walked over to him and clapped my hand near his ears making him scream in surprise. A girly scream to be exact.

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