Chapter seven

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Have you ever felt so irritated that you might just rip someone's head off and not even realize that you did it? Well, if you have, high five me 'cause I feel like someone's painting my face to test my patience.

"Will you stop twitching?" Hazel asks me while I let her apply the makeup.

"I don't know, can you stop painting or use a paper instead. Trust me, it doesn't twitch." I say sarcastically.

"Come on Shelly, we're almost there." She says. "And girl you look gorgeous!"

"Really?" I go to open my eyes but she hit my arm.

"Not yet!" She whisper-yelled. "Almost done." It had been over two hours since Hazel decided to make me look beautiful for the stupid business party. She had done my hair and makeup, now I just had to slip in the dress. "Go put the dress on. You look gorgeous!" She gave me a toothy smile and pushed me into the bathroom where I quickly slid on the dress. I walked in front of the full view mirror (Yeah I have those in my bathroom so when I have to clean my bruises I get a clear view. It's pretty disgusting to do it in my room) to see a whole new girl. Her hair was curled, half and half down. The ringlets looked beautiful as they bounced on my back. My hair was pretty long so I could still see my hair. Her makeup was done carefully and neatly. All together, she look pretty but that girl didn't look like me. Once I walked out, Hazel had a proud smile on. "I did a good job." She wiped a fake tear. "Now come on! My brother is waiting for you." She quickly opened the door but stopped me before I climbed down the stairs.

"What?" I ask.

"Let me announce your arrival!" She walked a couple of stairs and stood in front of her brother and my father. I caught a glimpse of Chase and sure he looked hot in the tux that he was wearing-Wait a minute. Did I just call him hot? A guy? Chase? Hot? "And now brother and Shelly's dad, I present to you...." She waited for a dramatic pause. "Shelly Elizabeth Summers." I rolled my eyes and walked down.

I stood in front of them and waited for a response. Dad seemed speechless and so did Chase. "Come on guys... How bad do I look?" I ask.

"Beautiful." Dad smiled and stepped in front of me, kissing my cheek.

"Like a girl." Chase mutters. From the corner of my eye I see Hazel glaring at him. "Gorgeous!" He cried and stepped in to hug me. I shook my head and hugged him back.

"Okay kids. I have to go pick my date up." Dad said picking up his keys from the key stand.

"Wait you have a date?" I ask cautiously.

"I had to ask Lea. It's compulsory to have a date. Plus she's a great lady!" He says and opens the door. "See you there kids." with that he shuts the door and leaves us alone.

"We should get going. C'mon Hazel, we'll drop you home." I say and Chase nods. We walk over to the car and Chase opens the passenger seat. I mutter a thanks to him as I sit down. Hazel sits behind while Chase gets into the driver's seat.


We had reached the place where the party was being held. Much to my surprise, it was in a high star restaurant. Normally they would've hosted the party in an open area. "Wow." I hear Chase mutter. I nod agreeing with him. "This place is a little too fancy."

"I second that." I say. "Come on." I open the door and step out of the car as Chase does the same. He offers me a hand, to which I take it, rolling my eyes. We walk into the building. There was a waiter that guided us to the party which was down the hall. Once we arrived at the party, I saw Chase gulp nervously. I wouldn't blame him. He doesn't know anyone here. Not that I know everyone but there are a few familiar faces. "Relax. Just don't think about who you don't know. If someone comes up. Let me talk and introduce you. Okay?" he nods as a couple comes up to us.

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