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His arm was on my neck.

It felt like ice as it closed the circulation to my lungs. The look of enjoyment in his eyes terrified me as he pressed harder and harder. My heart was racing in fear, I could feel my breath slowing down. I fought back instinctively terrified about whether or not I would have a future. My nails dug into his skin but he was unyielding. As my lungs began to burn from lack of air I reached for his face and felt my nails once again connect with his flesh. His blood splashed on my face as I felt myself weaken. Why was he doing this what had I done? Where my thoughts as I felt tears either from frustration or pure terror stream from my eyes.

At last, he lets go.

"Watch what you're saying and what you do. I can easily kill you right now, but since I'm in love with you, I'd rather have more fun with you." It took a while to catch my breath. We got into the car, he threw the cloth onto my lap and with a vicious voice, he told me to put it on. I quickly figured out why... Heather...

And so it continues...

It was a blindfold; he's taking me to Heather. I followed his instructions and placed the piece of cloth over my eyes. I could feel his eyes staring into the side of my head. I put my hands on my knees trying to hold myself together as he drove off. After approximately twenty minutes, the car stopped driving. “Take it off."

When I took off the blindfold, I saw that we were somewhere in the woods. Brandon left the car lights on, so that there wouldn't be completed darkness. The lights showed that there was a rusty old cabin in front of us. He led the way to the cabin, and opened the door.

There she was, her hands tied up with chains. Her hair was all over her face. It was disheveled and uncombed. She was still in her white tank top and pink pajama bottoms, only now, it wasn't as clean as it was before. Both pieces of clothing were ripped, exposing her body more.

“Heather!” I yelled. She looked up. Her eyes were red, with dark bags underneath. She hasn't slept, she doesn't know what Brandon will do.

“Haley, help me.” She turns to Brandon. “You monster! Let me go!” Brandon stood there having no reaction to her words.

“I will, as soon as I get what I want.” He said. I looked at my sister. He did all of this for me. What does he see in me?

“What do you want?” A smile came upon his face. He knew exactly what he wanted.

“You’ll have to find out.” He said. “In the meantime, I’ll take care of her.” He walked up to her and slapped her across the face. She let out a scream. The slap left a red mark on her cheek. “Stop crying!”

“Don’t slap her! What is wrong with you? You said you would take care of her!” He doesn't need to hurt her, she has nothing to do with this.

“What I meant was, I won’t kill her." He was grinning as he looked at Heather. Everything was going according to his plan, but what's next in his plan.

~~~ He slapped her, again and again. He unchains her; she falls, face flat to the ground and kicks her empty stomach. He throws her a piece of bread like she's an animal ~~~

Deep breaths, deep breaths. I‘m still lying on my soft full size bed. I turn and look at my alarm clock; it’s seven in the morning. One more hour until school starts. I got out of bed; put on my blue jeans, my converse and a white shirt.
~~~~~At School~~~~~

The chemistry classroom has always been a yellow color with posters and drawings covering majority of the walls. There's light shining on the tubes that are next to the windows. They're from our previous experiments.

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