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"I have to go, bye." I ran past Destiny. I already attention on me.
There was a line for the exit, so I didn't go there. I just kept running. I looked back to see where he was, but I couldn't see him. I must have lost him so, I slowed down a bit.

Passing by a door that said "Employees only", hands reached out and pulled me in. One of them covered my mouth and the other was over my stomach, pulling me against a warm body. I tried to fight back, but whoever it was, was too strong. Fear came over me. I tried to get the hand off of my mouth for a chance to scream, but it didn't work...

And so it continues...

"I'm trying to help you, but you won't let me." A male voice said. My mouth was uncovered. I screamed for help. "No one can hear you." He turned me around. He had a ski mask on. "I can help you get your sister back."

"How?" He told me what to do and when to do it. He gave me his number. He said to keep in touch. Right now, I just wanted my sister. The cops can't help, but I don't trust this person. I'll see what he can offer.

I walked out and exited the park. I didn't see Brandon anywhere. I got a ride from Destiny. Throughout the ride home, she mostly talked and I listened. She parked near my house.

"What's going on?" She said when she saw the cop car in front of my house. I got out of the car. "Haley?"

"We got robbed and the cops are looking for fingerprints."
"Oh, what did they steal?" She asked.

"Uh...TV, computer, and jewelry."

"At least they didn't steal your phone."

"Thanks for dropping me off."

"You're welcome. See you tomorrow." She waved goodbye to me.
I walked into the house. No one was on the first floor. I went up the stairs and saw the same cop that interviewed me. He and another cop were in my sister's room. They were looking through her diary and her computer. They won't find anything in her diary, she never wrote about Brandon. They won't find anything on her computer; she only used it for school work. I'm not gonna lie, i went through her stuff a couple times. I got bored sometimes.

I stood outside dad's office. The door was open and I walked in. Mom and dad were too busy to notice. I walked over to dad's desk, there were papers on there. I looked through them and then went to my room. My homework wasn't due this week, so I just left it.

After my alarm clock rang, I stayed in bed another thirty minutes and then changed for school. I wore a black shirt with the green monster symbol on it.

I got to school fifteen minutes early. After I put my stuff in my locker and grabbed my books, I had ten minutes left. I wanted to go to the music wing, but I couldn't be late again. I just went to class right away. There were a few people there already. Most of them were talking, but not Xavier. I put my arms around my book and rested my head on my books. I put my head sideways, facing the opposite direction of Xavier.

"Why so sad?" I turned my head to face Xavier. He was looking at me.
"Where do you want me to start?"

"Is it because of your family or friends?" He put his head like I did, facing me.

"Family." I kept looking at him. I couldn't look away from his eyes. They were so green. "I was looking through papers on my dad's desk. I saw divorce papers. Since my dad's a lawyer, I thought it was one of his client's. I looked at the signatures, but they were my mom's and dad's" His eyes grew sad.

"I know how it feels." He sympathizes. "My parents split up a while ago. That's why I came here."

"Haley!" I looked up and saw Destiny. She just had to ruin the moment. She ran through the door and came over to me. "Brandon is looking for you."

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