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I stopped and look behind me, the others were nowhere in sight. I looked back to Xavier. Looking at Xavier made me full of rage. Not because of Xavier but because of Brandon. It's his fault I couldn't be with Xavier.

Xavier turned and saw me watching him.

No, it's not Brandon's fault, it's mine.

And so it continues...

I'm the one who let Brandon hurt me. I'm the one with broke the kiss with Xavier. And I'm the one who just ran from Xavier. Brandon didn't choose any of my choices. I choose my own choices and I made the wrong ones.

I stopped when I got back to where I started.
"First one back." Said Mr. Lugo. "Twenty minutes, not bad." A couple of minutes later, the others made it back. "Okay, let's practice kicking into the goal. Goalie, you better block every goal."

"Bye, Haley." Said one of my teammates. Two hours of practice was over. God, I was tired. I managed to block every ball. I even dived to black the balls.

My arm hurt really badly. I fell on my bruises, which caused more bruises.

I stopped by the park's gate. I took off my headband and fixed my bangs.

"Hayley." The voice came from behind me. I turned around.

"We need to talk." He said. I just looked at him. "You don't need to talk, just listen." We looked into each other's eyes. "I figured out why you're with Brandon." He took a step closer. "Your sister's not in school, you came to see a rose bush, you tell a lie of where she is, you tell lies about why the cops are at your house, and you let Brandon hit you." He took another step. "Brandon has your sister, doesn't he?"
I nodded.

"And because he has your sister you can't be with me." I shook my head. "Then what?"

"It's not that I can't, it's that I'm scared. He's hurting her too." A tear slid down my cheek.

"Haley." Xavier took the rest of the steps. He wiped the tear away. "I didn't know." He hugged me tight. I grabbed his shirt and cried on it.
Mom told me that when I was a baby I didn't cry. So no one has ever seen me cry, no one except Xavier.

Xavier pushed me gently away from him and kisses me. Tears still running down my cheeks. I held his shirt tighter. I didn't care if Brandon saw us or if he knew. I wasn't going to ruin this moment like I did before.

Xavier was different from the other guys. He understood me. he knows when I'm feeling down, and he figures out what's going on in my life.
I kissed Xavier back. His lips were sweet and soft.
We held each other tight and kissed.

Xavier walked me home. Throughout the walk, he held my hand.
When we finally reached my house, I didn't want to leave Xavier's side. But he told me he would call later. Before he left, he my hand to his lips and kissed it.

I blushed.

He smiled and said "Am I the only one who makes you blush?" I made me smile.

When I walked into the house, mom, dad, and the cops were in the living room.

"Where were you?" Mom asked.

"Soccer practiced." I answered

"I tried calling you, but you didn't answer."

"I lost my phone."

"The police have a lead." Dad said.

"We found Heather's hair in a rental car." Said a cop. "We also found the cloths she was in when she went missing. They were found in the lake." The cop placed an evidence bag on the living room table. Ii was the cloths that Heather had on in the cabin. In the cabin Heather still had the same cloths she had the night she went missing.

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