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He was no longer in the crowd, and could be easily seen. The police officers walked faster towards him. Brandon noticed this. He did a U-turn and ran at full speed.

I saw the police chase after him until they were out of sight.

Moments later, I heard gunshots, followed by a screams.

And then... nothing.

And so it continues...

My parents and I were at the police station. We hadn't gotten any information on the cause of death. The police hadn't told us anything on Brandon either. We were sitting down waiting for someone to tell us what was going on. But everyone seemed to walk passed us, ignoring our existence.

My mom was drinking coffee. She was now on her third cup. She was trying to keep herself awake, or maybe hoping to wake herself up from this nightmare.

My dad was on the phone. He was contacting his lawyers. He was prepared to send Brandon to jail. He wanted him to have the worst sentence possible.

And I, I was sitting down, staring at the floor. The police had taken my phone. And I didn't know how to react. I was waiting to know how my sister's life ended. And waiting to know what the Brandon's future will be. I didn't want to be here. I didn't want this to happen. I wanted to go back and change everything...but I couldn't.


After hours of waiting, police officers told us that we could go home. It would take hours, maybe days before they could tell us anything.

Disappointed, my mom and I walked out of the police station. My dad stayed behind to yell more. He didn't like not knowing, and neither did I.


The moment I walked through the doors of my house, I heard the house phone ring.

"Hello?" I answered. I wasn't sure who it was, I hadn't checked the caller ID.

"Haley! Are you okay? You weren't picking up your cell phone." It was Vanessa. She sounded extremely worried.

"I'm fine." I told her. "I came back from the police station."

"What happen!?!?" She wanted to know if Brandon was arrested.

"I told them about Brandon." I paused. "They haven't told me anything."

"They're looking for evidence." She said, trying to look at the bright side of the situation."Haley, I'm coming over right now." Vanessa hang up the phone.

Minutes later, I heard the doorbell. Just as I was about to open the door. I received a text message.

You have to talk to him.

I didn't know what she meant. I opened the door to ask her about the text message. But Vanessa wasn't one in front of my door.

"Xav-" before I could finish my sentence, xavier pulled me into a huge. My body melted into him. My shoulders were no longer tense.

"I'm sorry." He whispered to me. "I'm so sorry. He repeated those words to me over and over again.

"Close the door." I heard my dad say from the living room. I had let the door wide open, allowing the cold air to enter.

Xavier let go of me. He closed the door and locked it.

"Can we talk?" Xavier turned back to me. I could see the seriousness in his eyes.

I nodded and let the way up to my room.

"Vanessa told me." He said as soon as I locked the door to my room. Vanessa wanted me to talk to Xavier, that's what she meant.

"But you already knew." I replied.

"Brandon told me that you and him were fighting, that both of you were saying lies about each other."

"And you believed him?"

"I thought he was telling the truth."

"You could have talked to me about it."

"Haley, I wasn't thinking." His face showed the hurt he was feeling. I looked away, trying to stay mad at him. "Haley, I'm sorry." He approached me carefully. "I had to think things through." Xavier was now within touching distance. "Can you find it in your heart to forgive me?" I looked into his eyes. I could see that he did feel sorry.

"I can." Xavier smiled and broke the distance between us. And he pull me into a kiss. "I've missed you." I Said once he pulled back.

"I've missed you too." He stoked my hair.


News report:

The body of a teenager was found buried under a local park district in the in Richmond yesterday night, has been identified as a missing fifteen year old female.

At about 11 a.m., police were investigating a foul smell coming from the park district, where they found the body "in the early stages of decomposition," according to a statement from the police.
The body has been identified as fifteen year old Heather Halls, according to the detectives. An autopsy found she died of blunt force trauma and her death was ruled a homicide.

News Report:

Sixteen year old, Brandon Evers has confessed for the murder of Heather Halls. Evers has also confessed to having an accomplice.

Evers has been sentenced life in prison. Brandon Evers is now one of the youngest prisoners to be sentenced for life.

Evers hasn't provided an evidence on having sn accomplice, but detectives are investigating further on the murder on Heather Halls.


"Haley, will you be okay?" Xavier had called me in the morning. He told me to check at the recent news reports. They were on my sister. But all of them weren't true. News reporters never care about the truth, they just want a story.

"I'll get through it somehow." I responded.

"I'll be by your side, and help you get through this."

Hello everyone!!! There's only one more Chapter left! I was just going to leave it like this, but one of my friends was not satisfied with it. I also realized I never revealed who the shadowly figure was. So... I must write a better ending!!

So like, there's this guy who's always talking to me, and he mostly talks smack about other people. I don't people like that, so I'm trying to avoid him. Call me childish, but I don't want to say any rude to him, so I rather ignore him.

I have no idea what to do. If you have advice on this, please message me.

Please let me know what you think and feel free to point out any mistakes in my writing:)

Thank you for reading this story and this chapter!

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