Chapter 15

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Jordan's POV

I went downstairs, had a toast for breakfast today because I was so nervous.

I am meeting with James's Dad. 

I made sure my outfit looked good like every other day "The first Impression is always important" I reminded myself of my stepmother's words. 

I got out of my house and drove to work. 

Christmas greeted me like usual with Coffee in one hand.

" I want to create a prototype of what I am planning to work on but I want to work with a small group of people , until I am ready to launch it publicly." 

"Got it. How many people is consider  little ?"

"I want one person from each department, okay?"

"Yes, ma'am" She nodded while jotting things down.

"Once that is done, I want you to schedule a meeting with everyone after lunch so we can get started."

"Noted " Christmas said exiting my office.

I continued to work on my project. My designer sent me the digital blueprints on my computer and I was able to assemble things in 3-D until it fits what I had in mind. 

I also had a meeting with the budget department about the price of my new technology.

 During lunch, Jerome and I  got on facetime. 

"So how has it been going, Jerome ?" 

"Great, I want to think Gisele and I are making progress? " 

"think? So you told her how you feel ?"

"Well, not yet. But we are making progress. I don't want to rush it."

"Rush? Jerome, you have to be kidding me."

" She just broke up with Chad you know " 

"Right, okay, okay, I know. We should hang out. Movies Saturday?" 


We talked some more until he had to get back to work and so did I. 

I went to the bathroom and freshen up for the meeting. 

As soon as I opened the door, James was here with a bouquet of flowers in his hand and a box. 

"Hey, I am looking for someone that goes by the name of Jordan"

" You have found her" 

"This is for you," He said handing me the flowers. "For brightening up my day," 

"Thank you, what about the box ?" I asked

"These are the parts for our project." 

"That was fast, thank you again, I was heading to a meeting. Want to tag along ?"

I took the flower and placed it on my desk and walked back out taking the box of parts with me. 

"This is James, he will be assisting with me today. " I said as I walked in the meeting room with all my co-workers there

James took a sit in the back and watched me present my idea to them.

"I want to work on it and perfect it as soon as possible so we can get it on the market. I want everyone to give their best efforts. I am always here to answer any questions or to look over something. Thank you so much for your time." I said and ended with my presentation. 

I sat the box down in the middle of the meeting table and told them what's in there and gave them a copy of the blueprints.

No questions were asked, everyone was in agreement and I ended the meeting.

"You looked hot up there," James said walking to me with his hands in his pocket.

"Thank you,"  I said and I can feel myself starting to blush.

"Ready ?" James said and smiled.


"Hey, you don't have to be nervous and if you want to leave at any time, just let me know okay."

"Got it"

I walked back to my office to grabbed my purse and head out with James. 

"We taking my car." He said 

I agreed,  there was someone in his car waiting for him.

"This is Marcus, my chauffeur, he will be taking your car back to your house if that's okay ?" 

"Thank You, Marcus Please take good care of him," I said and give him my keys.

"Yes ma'am"

"Your car is a he? What's his name ?" James asked

"CANDY," I said jokingly. James laughed while opening my side of the car and got on his side of the car. 

We drove to meet his dad. 

"He can't wait to meet you," James said 

"yay," I said quietly and he laughed. 

When we got there, my nervousness kicked in and I start playing with my fingers.

James noticed and grabbed my hands in his. "We can still leave, I see how much it's bothering you" 

"no-no, I got this"

"oKay," He said and kissed my knuckles. 

We walked in and this older looking man stands up to greet us. 

"Hey, James," he said.

"Dad, this is Jordan Parker"

"Yes, Alexander's child. You have grown so much. I heard so much about you."  He said and used my father's first name. 

" Hopefully all good things, I am great and yourself"

"Good, thanks for asking."

James pulled out my chair for me and sat beside me while his father sat across from us.

We talked and laughed.

 Every day I got to know another side of James which I was grateful that he is able to show me that. 

The night ended and James drove me back home. 

"Thank you for coming. It really meant a lot. I hope you had a great time."

"Yes, I did, thank you for having me."

"You have a Good night," he said smiling.

He kissed me in the cheek then drove off. 

I checked if my car was there. 

Then I got into my house, showered and went to bed. 


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