chapter 5

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"Just to find out that i was wrong all along......." he whispered 



I fell with her- on the side path and to stop crushing her beneath me I put all my weight on my shoulders and arms that was on both her sides

i stared at her- the brown orbs seemed something else today- 

today- just her first day and this is what happens?


i turned to the other side and set on the path 

that was when i realized that my heart was hammering in my chest and there was a rush of shivers all over my body

maybe it was because of running all the way here in the rain-  

yes that was it- 

I turned to her and she was looking down

"If i had not come- you would have been dead-" i said and she looked up to me, her eyes held fear and tears

"Jazak Allah khair" she muttered again looking down

"Wa iyyakum" i replied and took a deep breath 

"Don't you know the safety rules?" i asked her and she looked at me once again

it felt weird sitting on the footpath and talking to her in the rain- 

"I do- just that i was-" she muttered as her voice went faint

"You were?" i asked her as the rain began getting heavier

"Nothing- i need to get home" she said and stood up almost tripping on her long dress

"careful" i said and she nodded at me before walking away

i stood there watching her walk away

what was it about her?

i don't even know her- 

I sighed and ran my hand through my wet hair before flashes began- 


i jogged towards my car and soon i was off home

the heater of the SUV had managed to dry me off a bit and i had managed not to catch a cold- 

"Achhheeewwww!" or not- 

"Iqraam!" yelled ammi as she came to my rescue at the door 

i smiled at her as she touched my hair

"why are you wet?" she asked me and i sneezed again

"Warah get some towel- Sam- get some painkillers-" she ordered and the workers ran off

i chuckled and sneezed rubbing my head as it slightly began getting heavy

i walked to the couch and set down kicking off my sneakers before entering the living room

"Why were you in that rain!?!" she scolded me as she rubbed my head with a warm towel

all the images of the rain and streets came back to my mind and i felt my body heat up

"Why are you going warm suddenly?' asked ammi and i turned to her

"Ammi leave it- i will shower- acchhheewww-excuse me- and then get warm-" i said and she nodded before i broke into fits of sneezes

"Oh n how is Ruqayyah? I hope she did not get wet in this rain!" said ammi looking rather sad

i wrinkled my forehead and stared at her

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