chapter 50

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"Allahu Akbar"

"Allah (S.W.T) is the greatest" 



I had not slept peacefully because i was tossing and turning in the unfamiliar bed, and a huge part of it was because i was used to sleeping in Iqraam's embrace that now, i feel lonely  

it was hushed, like whispers but why the hell were they outside this early in the morning

groaning, i checked my phone for the time 

6:30 am 

i am looking like a zombie due to lack of a sleep and here these people are whispering and walking around!

I stood up and walked to the bathroom 

doing my normal morning routine, i finished with brushing my teeth after a hot shower and got dressed in random skirt and kurta top 

i was so glad to see both my kids sleeping 

especially Zahi- she was not......... well she was a morning person 

i have no idea where she got the trait from!

as far as i remember, neither I or Musa were morning people- nor is Iqraam- well he sorta is when hes working but on Sundays- getting him to leave the bed is the hardest ever job!

sighing, i wore my hijab and tied my niqab loosely and walked to the balcony 

whatever it was- was very annoying 

i picked up the petals of the roses that fell in the floor last night when i played with them, whilst talking to Iqraam 

I whistle made me jump from my spot 

The morning was cool and calm, not hot and i was glad 

the rays of the sun hit the streets like beautiful art and i stood there admiring, forgetting all about the hush whispers and speeches 

I walked to the edge of the balcony and looked far in sight 

when my eyes wandered to the fences, my eye balls almost popped out of the socket 

oh my Allah!!

There was a sleek green and black Lamborghini in the middle, a black metallic Ferrari on the right and another grey metallic car beside on the left 

what shocked me was the presence of 3 people, i had least expected to see here 

 Oh who was i kidding- 

These were billionaires we are talking about- they are everywhere and can be anywhere!

I let out a growl 

my lovely husband was sitting infront of the Lamborghini, with his laptop, tapping away, looking like a male model posing for his photoshoot

he did look handsome and really hot but right now- he was seated infront of his Lambo, on the road, tapping away on his laptop as if the whole world could bother him less!

On the sleek black Ferrari- Shumayll was tapping away on his phone and on some holographic images- whilst he set on the hood of the car 

Iqra set on the hood of the other car as she read a book

these 3 can't be serious!

Just then i saw the gates open and abba walked outside with Riyad bhai 

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