chapter 7

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"My thoughts are stars, i can't fathom the constellations!"

~Agustus Waters, TFIOS 


that day i had alot of sneezing and soon i was on medics- i hate medics- they make me feel vulnerable- 

i walked back into my office all fit and fine from two weeks of medics, headaches, soups and whatnot!

yeah.... i was sick for 2 weeks, did work form home, Ruqayyah got closer to ammi and Iqra and i guess thats it?

the emotions were always here so i learnt to be with it instead of fighting over it or worrying over it!

i placed all my blueprints on the desk and walked out of the office to get myself some coffee that i drink once in a while- 

with a cup of coffee, a spring roll and a huge file of financial records, i set to work- with no success at all


coz a certain niqabi's eyes decided to distract me

it was annoying- a beautiful type of annoying 

i sighed and ran my hand through my short cut hair

"why are you in my head?" i said as if talking to her as i rubbed my temples

"Whos in your head?" i looked up to see Shumayll smirking at me 

I smiled at him

"No one" i replied and he chuckled as he set infront of me 

"So whats the deal?" he asked me

i shook my head

"No deal" i said and drank my coffee

"ohhh so that's why you did not notice me standing infront of you for the past 5 minutes?" he asked me and i was startled

5 minutes?

"t-that" i said and heaved a deep breath

Shumayll looked at me and smiled

"Look bhai- i know you- not long enough but still i know you like a close brother- so tell me what happened?" he asked me in all serious mode

i sighed

what do i tell him? stress? over some niqabi?

"Stress over her?!" he asked in disbelief

i stared at him

did i say that out loud?

he nodded

i screwed my eyes shut

"You- you are stressed over her?" he asks me and i sighed again

I put my head into my hands and sighed

"I don't know alright- just- don't know" i muttered and just then a knock came on the door

'Come in" i muffed out without putting my head up

"sir your coffee-" said Ruqayyah's voice and my head snapped up

a piecing pain shot through my neck and i winced 

"Are you okay sir?" she asked me rushing to my side and i nodded my head

"Just give me some painkillers" i said and she hurried out

"Mind if i drink that coffee?" asked Mayll and i nodded

'go ahead" i said and rubbed my neck

"so....... that was awkward" he said sipping his coffee and i glared at him

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