chapter 54

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Every ending is just another new beginning




it was the 2nd of Jan and it was my henna ceremony

i did not really want to go through the whole henna process because it required immerse amount of posture and time to actually sit through it

it was an all ladies function and my mother, mama, and Uzma were coming too

although Iqraam had arranged them to stay at a hotel, for their convenience, i knew it was not entirely true

it was because he did not want them near me!

i know him and i also know he is very possessive-

after yesterday when he was pacing the floor of the room thinking about Iqra and going crazy, i realized he was really possessive of what he loved

he had to know they were fine and happy or he would be restless

"What are you thinking about?" asked Iqra as she put on the dupatta on my head and i looked at her in the mirror

she was smiling slightly at me

i loved how she smiled

"You... Iqraam was worried about you" i said and she chuckled at me

"Naah.... he will get over it- he thinks something is wrong when everything is great!" she said playing with the hem of her dupatta absentmindedly

"Uhuh.... so will you tell me?" i asked her, turning to face her and she gave me a small smile

"Not now- its your henna night and i don't wanna ruin it for you- maybe later? after your honeymoon!" she winked and i blushed

i did not like makeup so i did not do makeup

i guess time took away my obsession with makeup and hair styling

The only things i had on my face was a 'Kajol' in my eyes and my face moisturizer, thats it

i still looked normal and i was glad for my light tanned skin tone

i had prayed early Isha and then started to get ready

I was wearing a navy blue and cream long length kameez that has two parts, the navy blue coat which is embroidered with cream and the inside dress, which is cream in color

there was a diamond necklace and ear rings to match it

and of course the heels- they were blue with white lacework on the sides and very pretty (I am in love)

ammi and abba had bought all of these for me and i am lucky to have them as my parents (Well Iqraam's parents but mine too!)

my hair was in a long side french braid with hair pieces in the braid over my right shoulder

"You look amazing, Masha Allah!" said Iqra smiling at me and i shot her a smile

"thank you!" i said and she inclined her head to look at me from the closet

"Do you have any perfume that does not belong to bhai?" she asked me and i thought for a moment

"naah nope" i replied and her shoulders slumped

"Really? wait- " she said and dashed outside the room, closing the door behind her

the door opened once again and i laughed thinking its Iqra

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