chapter 6

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"Just know that i will always be there........."



I am scared..
For the first time in ages I am scared- I- Iqraam Ibrahim am scared


Coz I have no idea what is wrong with me!

My brain seems to be on a holiday and my heart seems to be taking a Marathon all around South Africa!

I could not get any sleep last night and now I look like a zombie!

I washed my face all over again and stood there

I walked out of the bathroom and got dressed in my suit

I walked downstairs and ammi and Iqra greeted me with smiling faces

That fell once they saw me

"What happened?!?!" Shrieked ammi and Iqra ran by me

"I am fine-" I managed to say and then sneezed

I looked out of the windows to see it was still raining

I sighed

"No i think you lack sleep" said ammi looking at me worriedly

i managed a small smile

at least she was concerned about me- well they both are- 

i feel loved!

"No- ammi i am fine- plus i need to finish the designs of the new architecture project of my firm-" i said 

the office staff are thinking that we extend the office a bit so i need to finish the designs and see if we can get it through- 

yes i did architecture as well as engineering-  i believe that if you want to run a business- just one profession is not enough- 

as our holy prophet has said: 'Seek knowledge from cradle to grave!" 

that's what i am doing- 

"No- " she said and i stared at her

i ran my hand through my hair

"Ammi please-" i literally begged her

"No-" she replied firmly

"Ammi what about work?" i asked her and sneezed all over again

'Iqraam- work is not everything- health is also important- if health is not good- how the hack will you work?!" she asked me

"Ammi-" i sighed and my head felt heavy

no breakfast and no medics- 

I set on the couch- 

'Bhai i think you need rest-" said Iqra and i shook my head

'fine-" said ammi and stood up 

i looked at her and sneezed again

this sneezing is getting on my nerves!

"i am leaving with you and will be at the office whole day- without food, without Pakistani dramas and oh! my leg aches!" she said in a dramatic way

i would have laughed out loud if it wasn't for my headache

'Fine ammi! i will work from home" i stated and she turned around giving me a huge grin

i think all these Korean and Pakistani drama's are getting to her head- 

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