Chapter 16

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Jake’s POV

“I… I love you too Jake” she breathes out and I kiss her gently, softly… scared she’ll break or disappear if I give too much pressure, I don’t deserve this beauty in front of me and I’ll thank God every day for blessing me with her and I’ll owe Andrew my life forever, for saving us, for getting her to reconsider her anger. “What happened to your eye?” she asks quietly stroking my cheek, I unconsciously lean into her touch and sigh, so he told her. “Uh Olivia tried to come on to me- and she came on a bit strong… I uh pushed her away and called her a few names… She lashed out at me and well her nail caught my eye.” And that’s the truth, it’s like it happened a few minuets ago;

Don’t worry man, she’ll freak out, curse, cry and then forgive you. You didn’t know she was there, I can see its killinyaAndrew nudges me and walk into her room to grab her stuff, I sigh “I fucking hope you’re right, I can’t live with myself, how is she supposed to?” the only response I get is him shuffling around. The front door creaks open and Olivia walks in surprise set in on her face but only for a few seconds, it’s replaced with a smirkOh baby I knew she wasn’t woman enough for you. Don’t worry I’ll have you screaming my name in a few seconds and you’ll forget about that hill billy skank in no time.” My temper rises immediatelyWhat the fuck are you-“ I was cut off by Olivia kissing me, I didn’t kiss back and within seconds I pushed the slut off of meYou little tramp. Like I’d fucking touch you out of free will. You’re a fucking worthless slutto this she only smirksOH JAKEY don’t you see? You’re little hard to get act doesn’t work, and when she sees that mark beneath your sexy eye, she’ll know we got down and dirty
Nah, I reckonher hill billy cousin will tell her the whole story, he witnessed the whole thing himself from her bedroom doorAndrew casually strolls in with a duffle bag and a smirk on his faceCome on man, let’s go get your galhe nudges me with a smirk and we head to the front door, just as we’re about to leave Andrew speaksOh and you can tell your customers you’re working from now own, my cousin’s stuff will be moved out today. Ya know, might even raise your prices, prostitute with a place to fuck? I reckon that’s a bonus. Buh-bye now.”

“Well I’d like to have a talk with the little tramp when I get out of here, ya know-“ Casey’s rant was cut short when the door slammed open and an elderly lady storms in with hands high in the air “La mia bambina! Cosa hai fatto questa volta e perché non so più presto? Si dovrebbe tornare con me la sua più sicuro!” okay what just happened? Casey start to speak but I need subtitles right now… “Rosa Aunty! Il suo grande problema é ancora solo un piccolo incidente, lei e lo zio Borris non doveva venire fin qui!” she smiles as the woman shed a tear, touching her forehead. I am so fucking confused.

She runs to Casey’s side and an old man and Casey’s grandad walk in chuckling while Andrew comes in with Mr and Mrs Evans, giving me a sad smile “I tried my best to keep her out but Italians have a way of… over dramatizing things.” I am so confused right now, Italians? Andrew chuckles and sits beside me “Pop’s actually Italian. Casey, inherited most of their genes… she was in Italy for quite some time. Did you guys sort everything out?” My brain isn’t comprehending this so I skip to answering his question “Yeah sort of, hey man, thanks. I owe you.” He chuckles “Just don’t fucking hurt her… again.”

Before I could say anything Casey takes my hand that has been resting on her hip “Jake this is my Aunty Rosa and Uncle Borris! They’re from Pop’s side of the family” she smiles at me, her eyes promising an explanation later, “Aunty Rosa, Uncle Borris… Il mio ragazzo, Jake” the woman takes my hand and pulls me over Casey into a bear hug “Oh finalmente! Grazie a Dio! Nice to meet you yes?” I chuckle “Nice to meet you too Mrs Rosa” my greeting must’ve done something right because I got a big kiss on the cheek. Rosa lets me go and I receive a hand shake from her husband “I am much sorry, my wife, Cassadora is like one of her own. I am Borris Valentino”


A while later Casey’s parents, grandad and Italian family leaves to get them settled in. Andrew, Adri, Clair and I stay to keep her company “So Case, you’re stuff is at my place and as soon as you’re out of this place we’ll party your arrival into the apartment” Clair smiles brightly and Casey chuckles with a nod “It’s a deal, thanks Clair.” Clair waves it away “No thank you, you make amazing food. I have no complaints on living together.” We all chuckle and Adri is first to ask the question “Case, you’re okay? No hassles after you get out right?” at this I feel a pang of guilt surge through me, it’s my fucking fault.

Casey’s face falls at the question “Well, I’ll be needing some physio… You uhm see- I don’t-uh.. I can’t- I don’t have feelin’ in my left leg up to my hip. We don’t know if or when it’ll change but the doctor said he’s sure in a couple weeks I’ll be back to normally functionin’” It felt like a whole was sucking me in, she doesn’t have feeling in her left leg… I caused this. Fuck. I need to leave. I’m not safe for her. It’ll only get worse next time.

I get up and head for the door but as soon as I want to open the door her voice brings me to a halt “Please don’t do this Blue…” I turn to her with tears in my eyes “I’ll only destroy you if I stay.” And I left, ignoring her screams’ echo’s in the hall.  

Well this was bitter sweet.... They spoke italian!!! Its a language I love and am learning* I'm sorry for the silence, I have some medical issues right now so writing is a bit hard. I hope you like the chapter, please let me know what you all think and thank you thank you for aaaaaaallllllll the reads and votes and comments!!!!!* 

Happy reading 


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