Chapter 13| Sean Get Off

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Special thanks to StyleIsMyJam for helping me with this chapter!

Kyle's POV

"What do you want to do?" I asked. "I'd gonna go with B but it's your choice," Stan replied. "B sounds pretty good," I muttered nervously, looking down. "Are you sure? You kinda didn't want to do that kind of stuff. You sort of showed that in the janitors closet," Stan said, looking a little concerned, not knowing whether or not go with it. "W-well just making out is okay.......I might change my mind," I mumbled. My heart felt like it was gonna explode. He didn't really respond he just pinned me down and started to stroke his tongue up my neck.

"St-Stan," I moaned as he continued to suck and nip my neck. He moved up my neck and eventually met my lips. He slipped his tongue and moved it around, grinning in the process. I didn't know what exactly to do, I never did but I knew that it felt so good. I felt myself start to moan louder the more he kissed me. My moans were so damn loud though; I couldn't help it. I then heard thumping, like footsteps. Stan stopped and pulled away in response to the steps. "Hello? Kyle? Something wrong? I heard you yelling or something!" Sean called out from behind the door.

I blushed in pure embarrassment. "No I'm fine-was I really that fucking loud?" I asked feeling incredibly embarrassed. "Umm... Yeah, let me come in..." Sean said, twisting the doorknob on the broken door. "Hide!" I whispered in demand. Stan jumped up and tried to find a spot to hide, but he couldn't. The door opened and Sean examined the room; surprisingly, Stan was nowhere to be found. "Hey Sean," I greeted nervously. "Hey, umm where's Stan?" he asked. I shrugged and looked at the window which I walked over and looked down. The pool was down there and I saw the raven haired boy frantically swimming to get out of the pool.

"He's the pool?" I said in confusion. "Wait, what?" Sean questioned as he walked over and saw Stan running back inside the building. "Holy shit," Sean exclaimed backing away from the window and looking around. "Hey there's his phone. How'd it get here?" he asked, examining the phone. "Haha, funny story...we were hanging out in here and then you were knocking on the door so he jumped out the window," I explained. "Why? Would he mind if I did this?" Sean asked, pinning me down on the bed.

"AHH! Sean get off me!" I yelled. "Why? I'm not doing anything," Sean said as he pecked my cheek. "Now I did something," he explained with a smirk. "Get off me!" I yelled, trying to push his heavy body off of me. Unfortunately he was too heavy and strong. He pressed his lips against my mouth and started to kiss me. I kept trying to push him off but he wouldn't budge. I then felt him slip his hand under my belt and I started to scream. The door burst open and Stan stood there soaking wet.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU GUYS DOING?!" Stan screamed, running over to us. Sean lifted his lips off mine. "Sean I told you to get off me!" I screamed in tears. "Sean you little piece of shit. IM GONNA KILL YOU!" He yelled. Stan threw Sean off me and backhanded him. Stan continued to punch Sean as hard as he could until he was bleeding heavily. "Ok that's enough," I said, grabbing his arm. I looked down at Sean who looked like he had been run over by a bus. "Why should I stop Kyle? He's almost unconscious. Just a bit more," Stan requested.

"No I wanna go," I said, holding onto his arm. "You're lucky I'd do anything for Kyle," Stan spat at Sean. "You make me sick you sack of shit," he exclaimed. I stared at Stan, I was a bit shocked. Did he really just do that? I felt scared now...I never knew Stan could get so violent, at least I can beat him in a fight. "Let's go," I said, dragging him out of the room. We walked down the stairs where we were stopped by Kenny. "Yo are you leaving already?" Kenny asked sounded stoned. "Yeah, you should stop drinking Kenny," Stan said.

"I'm not drinking...I'm smoking up!" Kenny cheered. I rolled my eyes and walked outside as I held onto Stan's arm. "Alright let's go home,"Stan sounding tired. "Yeah," I mumbled, rubbing my eyes. "Hmmm, pretty boring just not saying anything. What's on your mind?" Stan asked curiously. "You were pretty violent back at the party," I said, brushing the hair out of my face. "Sorry, like you've said. Overprotective," Stan replied. "I'm sorry. Did I embarrass you at all? I can make up for it," Stan said with worry.

"You didn't embarrass me it's seem like....angrier than usual," I mumbled. "I don't know. I'm still getting used to the whole. 'Being Gay' thing but I'll be fine as long as you're with me," he said, ruffling my hair. We walked for a moment in silence. "I bet I can beat you to your house!" Stan said quickly before sprinting off. "STAN!" I yelled, running after him. I tried to run along side him but he was so fast that I couldn't do it. I gave it my all but stopped in my path; I was completely out of breath and was panting heavily.

"Ha! Be FASTER! I'm almost there!" he exclaimed. I put my hand up, breathing heavily. "Stan stop!" I managed to yell. I felt like my lungs were going to explode they hurt so much. I ran way to fast. Stan started to walk back to me. "You okay?" he asked in concern. He walked over to me and patted my back. "Come on let's go," he said, grabbing my arm. "Dude I'm dying," I said, falling to my knees. I said. "Well shit maybe CPR could help," Stan said, smirking, "Or maybe just water," he suggested.

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