Chapter 18|Are They Alright?

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Kyle's POV

I lied on the bed in the dark hotel room that was only lit by the barely open window. I heard the hotel door open and someone walk in up to me. "Kyle honey, I told you that you could go outside," my mother said in concern. "I want to go home," I replied, not turning to see her. "I told you....there are too many bad influences there," she explained. "They're just gay people, and like I told you Stan's not gay!" I replied in frustration. "It's not just you! Ike can't be there anymore. Especially not with that emo fag!" she yelled.

"You're already sending him to gay camp. Isn't that enough?" I asked with tears rolling down my cheeks. "Kyle we're moving to Denver and that's final! Now eat something it's been days!" she yelled, storming out of the room. The door slammed and I started to cry again. I just wanted Stan to hold me in his arms at this point. I sat up and wiped away my excess tears. I needed to contact Stan but I didn't have my cellphone or remember what his number was at the moment. My mind was clouded and I couldn't focus.

It was such a simple number yet I couldn't fucking remember it! I felt my stomach growl in pain. I hadn't eaten since we got here plus I hadn't eaten on Saturday either since my day was so busy. This meaning I haven't eaten for about 4 days. I planned on refusing to eat until they promised to take me back home. They have to take me home if I won't eat! I continued to stare at them dark wall and then the cracked window that allowed only one stream of light through. I took a deep breath in and shut my eyes.

Stan's POV

The computer at Kyle's house was slow and the web browser wouldn't load. I slapped the side of the computer hoping that would magically fix the Internet. "Work dammit!" I yelled, punching the side of the computer harder. "Don't break it dumbass," Firkle said, digging through the papers on the desk. His fathers office was a complete mess but there are bound to be some clues in here. "Fucking computer!" I yelled, slamming my fist against the keyboard. "Shut up! I think I found something," Firkle said, pulling a brochure out from under a stack of papers.

"Is it a hotel brochure?" I asked. "Yeah, for 'Red Inn'," he said, reading the front page. "Let's go then!" I said, standing up from my seat eagerly. "Wait! We can't just up and leave! Denver's pretty far," Firkle said in objection. "You don't suppose we wait until the weekend to find them?!" I questioned angrily. "No! Let's just do it tomorrow; we'd have more time," Firkle suggested. I sighed and realized he was right. It's getting late, I can't just leave for Denver. I don't even have a car to drive there with; let alone a license.

"Fine. We'll skip tomorrow and take the bus to Denver," I instructed. "Sounds good. Where should we meet?" Firkle asked. "In front of the house," I said. "Ok, let's go home then. I really hope Ike's ok," Firkle said wearily as we walked down the stairs. "I'm sure they're ok," I said in comfort. "They better be!" he exclaimed, clenching his fists in fury. We made it into the living room and said our goodbyes until tomorrow. We exited the house and I started to walk back to my house. I checked my phone to see what time it was.

School was over by now so I figured if I went home my parents wouldn't scold me for skipping. After a long walk I finally made it home to realize I didn't even grab my backpack. I'm such a fucking genius. I sighed and opened the door to see my dad getting drunk off his ass once again. "Hey Stan....hey where's you're bag?" he asked in a tipsy but not quite drunk voice. "I forgot it," I replied simply, walking up the stairs. "You didn't skip did you?!" he asked angrily. "No dad," I replied in irritation.

"Bullshit! Get down here right now Stanly!" he demanded. "No dad, fuck you," I replied, walking up the stairs. "STANLY I AM YOU'RE FATHER-" "Shut the fuck up! I'm pissed off and stressed right now!" I yelled in rage. "I PAY FOR YOU STANLY I-" "You also get drunk off your ass and hang out with PC principal! I'm going upstairs! Go fuck your self!" I yelled, stomping up the stairs to my room. "STANLY GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE!" he demanded as I slammed my door shut. I locked the door and pushed my desk up against it. Fuck them! Fuck everyone! I just want to see Kyle!

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