VII - Chased by the Earthlings

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On Sundays, Nicholas' entire family gathered for lunch together. In these meetings, Zara and Merko took the opportunity to talk about their planet. When they were alone on the porch or in the presence of Nicholas, they remembered their relatives and friends who stayed on planet Life to keep their memories awake.

"What a change of life we had, Merko!" Exclaimed the doctor, during the conversation.

"Before, I used to love to go on missions and travel through the galaxies, but deep down I always wanted to have a family, which was never possible with the pace of life I lived. Today my wish was fulfilled. I have Lorena, Sophia, Helen, Nicholas and you, being part of the family that I've never had before. That wouldn't be possible if it hadn't come to Earth! I don't regret anything I did to get here. How about you? Do you feel any regrets about staying here?"

"My life has improved a lot, Merko. I have you, Nicholas and Helen, and I work with what I like. Of course, I need to restrain myself from showing anything that could compromise our permanence here, however over time I learned to deal with it. And speaking of control, I was surprised at how much Nicholas seems to dominate telekinesis more and more. It's as if his powers are increasing every day. According to him, you two are training how to fly..."

"I believe it might be useful at some point in our lives. After all, if there is power, why not use it?" Merko retorted.

"I know this could be good. However, he needs to control himself. People can easily perceive suspicious attitudes or manifestation of superpowers. The city has cameras everywhere and journalists are desperate to get a reporter hole."

"No doubt, but my son is cautious. I don't think he's going to get in trouble. It's just that power gives people a will to extrapolate that only those who owns it knows how it's like."

"Okay, but the day before yesterday he overcame himself. We flew over the city for almost half an hour. We were lucky to not be detected by any radar or anything."

"What do you mean?" He asked, startled.

"He managed to get the car up in the sky and made him fly over the Los Angeles traffic. It was wonderful and exciting, but at the same time dangerous."

Despite his fear, Merko felt proud of his son when he heard that he had been able to put into practice the telekinesis lessons he had learned. He also thought that over time this would serve as protection for Nicholas, who could use these powers to confront or evade dangerous situations. He looked at Zara and said:

"I liked it! I think I'll do it, too."

"He really took after you! But don't forget that we now live on a planet thirsty for technology, where what could be pleasurable and normal for us, could also be a great risk to the safety of everyone we love."

At this moment, Sophia arrived on the porch and said:

"Merko, Zara, come and see what they're saying on the TV news!"

The anchor of the television journal talked about the episode that occurred in the movies:

"On Friday night, a criminal attack on the Golden Movie Theater was unsuccessful thanks to the intervention of an unknown man, who prevented a catastrophe by killing two criminals and imprisoning two others. He used a weapon that didn't look like anything in this world. The man disappeared as if by magic, according to the testimony of several people who were in the place.

"Merko, this is seeming to be your doing. Are you involved with this episode?" Zara asked, telepathically.

He also replied mentally:

"I wanted some action, and those thugs were endangering the lives of our family. They had many explosives that could sweep over several blocks."

"Okay, I understand. But if you want to become a superhero, you'll end up exposing us all to danger. You should have been more rational and gone out with everyone from there by car or taxi," Zara concluded.

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