XVIII - Nicholas' Courage

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Zara had doubts about whether the robot was completely out of action or not, and knew she needed to disintegrate it to leave no trace, but in the urge to see how Merko was and coordinate the medical team to take good care of him, she left the robot to destroy it when she returned to the ship.

"Sivoc, I'm going back to Star Hunter ship to finish off the robot once and for all with the nano insects. You'll be busy with the defense, since the other ships are coming. I'm just going to check on the preparations for Merko's surgery and I'm going."

"The robot seems to be inoperative. You can leave it to us, for we'll monitor the enemies and check the defense systems."

While Zara headed for the infirmary, Nicholas decided to see the robot's condition, since they were fighting against time. Before leaving, he told Tibor:

"Tell the others I'll go down to see if the robot's beaten. Merko had said he would eliminate all traces of the alien presence on Earth, but I think it's best to go there at once and finish the job. Someone needs to do this."

"Be careful, Nicholas. The other enemy ships are on the way." Tibor warned, worried.

"You can leave it to me. After all, you know I'm prudent. Who taught me to fight?"

He put on the attack armor and from the hangar flew to the sandy desert floor. He carried a coupled large load of explosives and other weapons in a metal backpack in his back, along with some silvery disintegrating spheres.

Soon after, Tibor told Sivoc what Nicholas had done, and he apprehensively pressed his lips together, saying:

"The robot won't be dangerous, but the other ships are about to arrive. The kid will be an easy target for them."

Tibor frowned, and while he was thinking of putting on armor and going after Nicholas, the ship's console was already showing the battlecruisers Star Dragon and Interceptor approaching. It was time to fight Fizard's forces. There was no time to help the earthling friend. Nicholas could only count on himself now. If they destroyed the enemy ships, they would be protecting Nicholas in a certain way.


"We're almost arriving in the enemy's position, sir," said Colonel Fizard's chief officer.

"Okay, prepare the weapons system for the imminent attack. Let's use the robots and the ship's powerful weapons."

"Commander Fizard, I think it's time we called the rearguard ships that are close to Saturn," Zidrone said from his ship, looking at the monitor that showed the positions of the other three ships from the fleet.

"We've already called them. At this moment, they are flying over the terrestrial exosphere. With their help, we'll be unbeatable and Merko will be eliminated from this planet," replied Commander Fizard, who was already wearing a full combat suit.

The time of confrontation was about to begin.

The extraterrestrial allies agreed that they would have to fight to the death against Fizard's forces. The sensors warned of the approach of three more ships and the fight couldn't wait. Star Hunter and Science spacecrafts should attack them as quickly as possible or risk being destroyed.

"Merko's still recovering and needs care," Zara said, raising her eyebrows. "He needs to rest and he won't be able to fight again in our company."

Zara went to the command room and was surprised at Nicholas' absence. She began to look for him everywhere, but it was impossible to find him. Everyone was engaged in the fight that had begun, and she knew that she also needed to help. While she dressed her full combat outfit, she concluded that Nicholas must also be somewhere on the ship, preparing for battle. For a moment she tried to use her telepathy to talk to him, but there was no answer.

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