XXIII -The Past of Planet Earth

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The fugitives entered the passage created in the space-time network. The great battlecruiser Genesis, commanded by Captain Kirubi, was approaching its goal, the constellation Canis Major, south of the Orion's belt. Mirov, who was looking at everything from the hatch on the bridge, smiled at the sight of the great cradle of stars in the Milky Way. It was the place where most of the galaxy's stars were born.

He was happy. He had escaped the trap that had been prepared for him, and his plans were taking place as he wished. With the successful escape, he rejoiced at the possibility of revenge against his enemies. The crewmen blindly followed their leader, although they didn't totally know his plan's madness.

His heart was filled with hatred and this was the fuel of his revenge.

Mirov was interested in knowing about the next wormhole that engineers would make with the gravity-forming weapon, creating a portal between Sirius's star binary system and the solar system of planet Earth. Sirius' two stars orbited around themselves, releasing waves that pushed all the space-time around them.

"Navigating those waves with the ship will be very interesting. I'll quickly get where I want to..." thought Mirov.

Captain Kirubi was experienced in travels through space-time breaches, taking advantage of the gravitational waves' effects. In transwarp speed, they sailed through the Milky Way. He knew that, with the gravitational weapon, the capacity to travel long distances was exponential.

The commander had received Mirov's orders to sail towards Earth and he reported to his leader the events in real time:

"Mirov, sir, we have entered the space-time tunnel and will soon reach our destination. The stellar year of our arrival meets exactly your expectations."

"Very well, Captain. Proceed."

From Genesis' bridge, the commander gave the orders:

"Chief officer, check the coordinates: seven, three, eight and five. Raise the force shields. Soon the ship will pass next to the meteorite belt, between Jupiter and Mars."

"Understood, Captain," replied the chief officer, without taking his eyes off the holographic instruments' console.

After a few hours of travel, Mirov arrived with his team on planet Earth, millions of years in the past. The battlecruiser monster shook a bit when hit by some asteroids near Jupiter, but it was nothing significant.

The crew looked with admiration at the planet in primordial times. The continent was a single block, as in planet Life, and was called Pangea. From the hatch on the Genesis' command bridge, Mirov, Kirubi and Radof watched the terrestrial mass surrounded by a single ocean.

"What a beautiful planet! A clear blue sphere, as we've always heard," said Radof.

"It looks like our planet Life," Croiff said.

"No! Earth is bluer..." Radof commented.

Pangea, from the Greek "all the earth" was a continental mass in its early formations. The Continents were united and surrounded by a great Ocean called Pantalassa.

The captain looked at Mirov curiously and asked:

"Sir, may we know now what your plans are?"

"Yes, Captain." The villain Mirov looked at the floor, thoughtfully.

Everyone in the ship awaited the explanations with great curiosity. What was he planning going back millions of years in the planet Earth's past?

Mirov finally began to tell everyone the secret he had kept for the entire trip.

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