XI - The Trip

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During a dinner on Saturday at Lorena's house, while she prepared the main dish with Sophia in the house's kitchen, Zara, Merko and Nicholas waited for the food and communicated telepathically, sitting at the table, about the trip that would happen in two weeks:

"I think the other Friday night will be a great day for us to travel. My friend Sanches provided us with excellent tickets," said Nicholas.

"Honey, I'm glad you've got the tickets already. I also have all the passports up to date. I went ahead because this trip to Japan was Helen's great dream, and I was planning to give it to her at the end of this semester. Besides, she wanted all of us to go with her, and I got Merko, Lorena and Sophia to arrange their passports in advance, to avoid unforeseen circumstances and accompany us at the right time of the trip," added Zara, "and say hello to your friend Sanches. Any day, invite him to visit us. It will be a pleasure to welcome him to our home."

"Leave it to me, my dear. I'll invite him. Let's wait after we pass this phase to solve Helen's problems. She needs us."

As if taking advantage of the cue, Helen, the subject of the conversation, entered the dining room. The girl sat down, listening to Merko, Nicholas, and Zara communicating telepathically. She decided then to interfere in the conversation:

"Although you're not moving your lips, I feel like you're saying something about a trip, but it's all very confusing."

Zara knew this was not the right time to tell the truth to the girl. She looked at her daughter and said the following words in a low voice:

"Darling, we have many things to tell you. At the right moment we'll explain everything to you. But have patience. We are thinking of taking you to a trip. Our whole family will go along. But now, at this moment, I need to talk privately with your father and grandfather. Let me take you to make company your grandmother in the kitchen. Come back after with her and Sophia to join us at the table for dinner. Don't tell anyone about this thing of reading the thoughts. I promise you'll understand why you can hear the thoughts of others. This is our secret, okay?" She asked, almost begging.

"Does this have an explanation?"

"Yes, it does. I'll show you it's a normal thing. I can do that, too."

"But how? Why? None of my friends can."

"I already told you that we will explain everything to you at the right moment and you'll understand the reason. Trust your mother. But promise to keep it secret until the right time."

Helen remained confused, but decided to cooperate with her mother. There was no other person in the world whom she trusted more.

After leaving Helen in the kitchen with her grandmother and aunt, Zara returned to the dinner table to continue the conversation. Nicholas looked at her and said telepathically:

"I think Merko can block the telepathic reading of thoughts, because when I was imprisoned on ship Star Hunter, he wouldn't let me read his mind. So, it would be wise to block Helen's telepathy while we talk so we can have privacy. We are solving important issues and this may confuse her head."

"Yes, I can," Merko said. "We all need to be away for a week. Zara, make up a good excuse for Helen and Sophia to skip their respective classes. Despite the importance of attending classes, this trip is extremely necessary."

"A few minutes ago, Helen penetrated our thoughts and was able to use telepathy. Did you see? There really isn't any more time. We need to tell her the truth as quickly as possible," said Nicholas in a worried way, continuing the conversation through his thoughts.

Suddenly, Lorena brought a tray of tender roasted meat as the main course, and before returning to the kitchen to retrieve the rest of the food, she interrupted them with a curious look:

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