IV - Mirov's Revenge

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Planet Life - Year 64102

The prison corridor was dark, cold, and the hermetically sealed cells perpetuated the loneliness of the condemned. In one of the prisons, a face full of hatred showed its vengeful eyes in the shadow of the pitch. After more than 10 years, Mirov had not been able to reduce his anger. He thought of running away every second of his time in prison. He was wiping his hatred and desire for revenge, as he complained about how his enemies had trapped him there. He cursed everyone, in an almost maddened state as his eternal sycophant, Radof, heard his repeated words daily, cloistered in the next cell. As everyone knew, the two prisoners were sentenced to life imprisonment, because of the gravity of their crimes - treason and conspiracy against the royal family.

On the best days, when his heart seemed to have reached peace and tranquility, Mirov placed his finger on the scar on his face and scratched it slightly, as if he could revive the anger that kept him there without going mad. Too bad, for if he were insane or died by some wrong decision, mankind would be free of all that creature's evil.

Radof with his sad eyes watched. He was dependent on his master, trapped in his web of intrigue and lies, even though he knew in his heart that he did not like him.

In the darkness of the cell, after looking at the long abysm that existed behind the jail by the pressurized window, Mirov asked, wandering:

"Where will captain Fizard be?"

"We know he ran away with other soldiers into the Mutant Forest, sir," Radof said quickly. "They probably have been devoured by some creature. They say that no one escapes from there."

"If he ran away with other soldiers trained by Merko, chances are they survived, for he taught his subordinates very well how to survive in the adversities of that hostile place... That bastard!" Mirov continued, remembering the causer of his misfortune. "Where must that worm be? I'd like to get my hands on that wretched captain Merko..."

"Master, I think the most important thing now is to find a way out of this prison. I believe we have a chance. I have a friend who works in the royal service," Radof confided, leaning against the wall so his master could hear him. "He discovered my precarious situation through a cousin of mine and decided to visit me to see if I needed anything. I've been warned of this by the guards of tomorrow's shift. As soon as I see him, I'll inquire about captain Fizard and his soldiers."

"You and your surprises..." Mirov laughed sarcastically. "Why did you take so long to tell me about this friend of yours?" Mirov inquired with contempt. "Actually, it was this Croiff who warned me to run away when the king had me arrested. He did no more than his obligation, since he must have imagined that one day, I would be the new king of this planet."

"We have been friends since childhood and he owes me favors. I know you can help us. My luck was that he and my cousin met after all these years, while I rotted in this dungeon."

"If I can get out of here, I'll put my plans into action. First, I'm going to kill the king, or maybe I'll give him the same poison he gave me. I'll throw him in this prison to rot. As for the princess, I will take care of her in person. The most important step now is to find the military rebels to unite our forces, "said Mirov, smiling with his Machiavellian gaze, thinking only of his revenge.


The next day, they both waited anxiously for the arrival of Radof's friend. Mirov walked like a tiger caged from side to side inside the cell.

"Where is your friend, Radof?"

"Master, he told me he would come. Maybe something unexpected happened that made him late. But calm down, he's probably on his way," answered the servant.

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