XXI - The Hunt to the Tyrant

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The ships landed in the hangar of the central base in the capital Perfectio, of the planet Life. The doors opened and the soldiers left the ship with their weapons in hand, led by Merko who had already recovered during the voyage, and Crom. Tibor was right behind them, with Fizard and Zidrone. They hoped to find Mirov, but the hangar was empty. Nicholas and Zara stayed on the ship with Drako, who was monitoring the perimeter in search of the enemy's position. Everyone was surprised by the silence of the place.

"Very strange, this lull. Where is that damn Mirov?" Merko raged.

"Be careful. This stinks." Tibor said.

The others walked in their full combat outfits, looking around in search of their opponents. Suddenly, laser shots cut through the air in front of them. A scouting soldier was struck and fell lifeless on the ground.

"Protect yourselves! We're being attacked." Screamed Fizard.

Some lied on the ground, others rushed to a protective position behind the parked ships. Merko, fiercely, fired at his rivals after pulling a laser pistol from his holster. Hundreds of soldiers appeared and the fierce fight began, with melee at the battle front. Nicholas told Zara:

"Stay in safety on the ship, I'm going down to help."

"Be careful, Nick!"

"I've already proved to you that I can fight."

Zara stared at him worriedly. Nicholas summoned his friend, the robot, with his mind. Inside Star Hunter's hangar, the lights of the metallic monster's eyes turned on. The young man, dressed in his combat suit, coupled himself to the robot's back and the two flew together, going toward the enemy soldiers. While the shots were being fired at the exit of the central berth, rockets began to meet the defense lines Mirov had left to try to maintain his power. Explosions threw the tyrant's military up, while the laser beams in the robot's eyes shattered the ground, in front of the enemies, creating true trenches.

Nicholas also shot with his pistol, aided by the ally soldiers.

"Surrender before you're all destroyed." Merko screamed, scaring the enemies, almost defeated.

Seeing that they were subdued with the strength of the robot and the rebellious soldiers, Mirov's forces raised their arms after then put their guns on the ground. With the situation settled, it was time to look for Mirov. To Merko and his friends' surprise, the evil tyrant had fled.

The first step, now, was to capture the king who usurped power.

Drako took over the central computer of the planet's government and penetrated the flight record systems of Mirov's ship. He discovered that he had fled through an unknown space fold. Immediately, he decided to warn Commander Merko:

"Commander, as I invaded the escape logs of the tyrant's ship, I noticed that they entered a strange space fold, which we had never monitored before. The location where the ship Genesis penetrated appears to have been artificially created. I don't understand how this could have happened."

"What an unusual situation, Drako. We need to speak to the space engineers."

"But first let's take care of this planet and straighten things out."

"What are your orders, Commander Merko?" Fizard asked.

"Take some men and release Counselor Kenan and the queen, immediately. Take care of them and leave them in safety. Get Nicholas and Zara to rest from this journey. Me, Crom, Tibor, Sivoc and Drako will go after Mirov. Go find your family and watch over them. I'll ask the queen in person to forgive you."

"Thank you very much, Captain Merko. I don't know how to thank you. Blessed was the hour when I trusted you."

"We want the good of our planet and together we can do what's best for it."

Heirs of Planet Life 2 - The Origin Of LifeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz