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Belle's P.O.V

I felt lightheaded and weak. My damp nightgown clung to my body, making me shiver. Daeron's body heat gave me some warmth, but he was also drenched. We have been traveling for a while now. It was quiet.

The arrow in my mid thigh had dug in deeper, causing the pain to accelerate. All I wanted to do was pull that damn thing out, but I knew that if I did, I would lose blood faster, which wasn't an option.

My brows narrowed in confusion, as I smelt the scent of flowers. Wondering where we were, I pried the heavy eyelids open, only to be shocked.

It was night time now, judging by the dark sky. Strange small houses with big round doors were built into the surrounding hills. Little lanterns lit the way as we passed house after house. None of them had their lights on and my eyes were becoming droopy.

I wanted to sleep.

When traveling over a small bridge, I felt my eyes close. But when Daeron stopped and shook me slightly, demanding me to stay awake.

I blinked slowly, seeing flashes of what looked like a house on the top of a hill, with a small not yet fully grown tree on it's roof. As we got closer, I could see the lights were on and could hear the sound of someone speaking. Daeron walked passed the gate and slowly climbed the stone paved steps. Stopping by the big round green door, he let out a loud neigh. The talking inside the house became silent, before I heard a gruff deep voice say,

"Belladonna, see who is at the door." I heard what sounded like a women grumble before answering the door. The small round door opened slightly as a small female head poked out.

It was a plump lady with curly hair that was roughly tied back by a blue ribbon. She had big dark blue round eyes and a small mouth. She gave off a warm and kind feeling. When she stepped out, I saw that she was quite petite, her head would probably come up to my waist. She wore a knitted shawl, which she hugged tightly around her shoulders. Then my eyes caught sight of her  huge, slightly hairy feet. What exactly is she?

Her eyes widened and her mouth slightly open as she stared at Daeron in surprise. It wasn't until Daeron snorted, turning his big head to behind him, that she saw me. She let out a gasp, her hand covering her mouth as her eyes scanned my injuries. When her eyes fell on the arrow in my thigh,  she stumbled back.

"Bungo! Bungo, you'd better come and see this!" She shouted, causing another grumble to come from the house. This time a man, slightly taller than the Belladonna, came out to the front door, saying, "What is it Belladonna? I was just putting the child to bed." The lady didn't say anything, instead, she pointed at me.

The man took in my appearance with a shocked look on his face. He was by my side in my seconds, asking,

"Ma'am can you hear me?"

I let out a moan in reply. He looked back to his wife and said, "Help me carry her inside." The wife nodded and came to his side. They waited until Daeron kneeled down, that they helped me off. Both having one of my arms around their shoulders, they slowly dragged my huge body inside. Suddenly I was hit in the head by a swinging chandelier. I heard the mumble an apology as  the puled me into a room which I suspected to be the dining room.

I let out a hiss as they laid me on the newly cleared dinning room table. As the couple scrambled to gather towels, water and medical supplies, I looked around.  It was a tight space, with a low celling. The room was lit by candle light, casting shadows on the nearby walls. 

I could smell the hint of smoked fish, probably their interrupted dinner. I smiled as I looked at the fire, watching the flames dance across the burnt logs. The exhaustion  finally taking it toll, I felt my vison blur. It was only moments before I saw nothing but darkness.

Cursed with Wings (Thranduil Fanfiction)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن