Chapter Two: The Fear Of Losing A Mother.

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The moon shone its rays through the trees. Belle squinted while trying to get up. However, a sharp pain in her wrist stopped her. Looking down, she saw a glowing gold flower printed on her skin. A tear fell as images of the dreadful event flashed in her mind. She cradle her arm and got to her feet.

Belle stood only to see a meadow of dead flowers. Horror filled her eyes. Crouching down to a flower, she touched its petal. Suddenly it started to glow. Belle backed away in shock. The flower was now in full bloom, gleaming its purples and blues to the forest.

Belle continued to stare with widened eyes. All of sudden, she tripped over a root, sending her to the ground. Using her hands to prevent her from falling to her face, she saw that everything around her had started to bloom. The trees had started to grow in lush greens, some growing fruit. The wild flowers had come back from the dead. Belle,terrified at what she did,  ran.

As she got to the cottage, she could see her sister, Erica leaning against the doorway. "You are in so much trouble sis," she declared with a smirk and walk inside.

Belle followed but then stopped once at the door, seeing her mum with pale skin and a terrified expression on her face. Next thing she knew, Belle got pushed against the now closed door. Her dad, Devlin had her in his grasp; his breath smelt of liquor.

This was definitely not good.

"Where have you been you little whore?"

HA! Wrong daughter, if you wanted the whore, she's called Erica. He slammed my head back and spat in my face.


Belle whimpered as he slapped her hard, and threw her to the ground. She quickly closed her eyes, expecting to be hit by her father, but it never came. Belle opened them to see her mother standing in front of her, protecting her form her father's rage.

"Step away from her, Analee!" her mother shook her head, a tear fell from her dark green eyes.

"I SAID, GET AWAY FROM HER ANALEE!" Delvin yelled, his face going red with anger.  Analee just stood there, not moving a muscle away from her beaten daughter.

Next thing shocked Belle, seeing her father slap her mother so hard that she fell down to the ground.

He was about to kick her, but Belle jumped in between them, fire forming in the palms of her hands. "If you come any closer, I'll burn you alive!" Belle warned. Her father's face showed a mix between terror and hatred.

He took a step closer, making Belle shoot a fire ball in his face. He shrieked, falling to the ground, clutching his brunt face.

Belle hurried over to her mother, ignoring her father's shouts. Her mother had a red mark on her cheek. Belle looked over to where Erica was, but she was nowhere to be seen. Belle looked down at her mother.

Suddenly, Belle was pushed out of the way just as her father was about to stab her, but he got her mother instead. Belle screamed at the sight of her mother collapsing to the ground, running over to her as fast as she could. Belle Sobbed as she tried to use her powers to heal her, but her mother stopped her, mouthing "I love you, my dear" and took off her family's necklace and placed it into Belle's hand.

"Don't go please, mother!" Belle cried as her mother took her last final breath. Belle was devastated. She couldn't breathe as she replayed the scene in her mind, of her mother dying in her arms.

"Rest in peace mother," Belle hesitated. "May your journey onwards be the best," she said sobbing loud, filled of pain.

"YOU KILLED MY WIFE, YOU LITTLE BITCH!" Belle heard from behind her, grabbing her bow and swiftly turned around to shoot her father in the shoulder as he was about to kill her. He fell back, clutching his shoulder in pain.

Belle stood up and went to her father. "I didn't kill mother, you did, you bastard! How could you try and kill your own daughter?!"

"You are no daughter of mine!" he said in pure hatred.

Suddenly guards armed came bursting through the door. They stopped when they saw Belle's mother dead on the floor and her father with an arrow lodged in his shoulder.

Belle heard her father command, "Kill that witch!" but before any of them could, Belle jumped out the window her bow.

She was heading for the forest, when an arrow shot past her. Belle looked back to see 7 guards aiming their bows straight for her. Desperate, she commanded the wind to throw them away. Belle watched all of them fly of their feet and hit the back of the house, knocking them out.

She ran into the forest, not caring where she was going, only to get far, far away from here. She then looked up to see the sun was about to rise.


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Picture of Belle's mom, dad, and the necklace.

Spypuppy out!

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