Chapter Nine Part 2: Meet The Healer.

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Thranduil's P.O.V

I felt the weight lift of my shoulders, it was only huntress. Her black eyes staring into mine with much wonder, such life. Before weakly closing them, that's when I notice the crimson red that stained her glowing snowy white feathers. An arrow was lodged into her side. I ran in such a hurry, nearly dropping my towel, shocked at what lay before me.

Crouching down to her level, getting a closer examination of her wound. Ever so slight, I gripped the arrow. As I look closely, I saw no work or handcraft of any elf or dwarf. Not even orc! I examined the feathers at the end of the arrow, then I realised the make.


My hand clenched into fits, anger and pain flushed through me. How could man or anyone shoot such beauty, such spirit?

I then realised there are humans in my kingdom, running out onto the veranda and shouted "Guards!" to the elves below. They turned their heads, looking up to meet me, dressed only in a towel that hung loosely on my waist. I should be embarrassed, but I was filled with fury.

"Search the woods, there are hunters trespassing," I commanded, the guards bowed their heads in respect and hurried off.

My attention was turned back to the injured bird. Grabbing a cloth, I carefully wrapped her in, her white feathered head leaned up against my chest as I swiftly ran down the stairs to the healer's room. Pushing the carved doors with one hand while holding Huntress in the other. Opening it to come in view with a cosy looking room, green furnished beds all neat and made and half stained glass windows open revealing light.

A loving pair of eyes came into view, Raina (Annette) Came rushing towards me with glee, smiling in affection, showing some wrinkles.

Raina was like a grandmother to me, looking after me when my mother couldn't, taking me in her heart like her own son. She was one of the top healers and baker this kingdom has seen, also loved by many.

"Hello my dear boy," she said, coming in to give me a hug before looking down at what lay in my arms. A tear shed from her eye as she looked at Huntress with a sorrow look.

"Who would do such a thing, to something so kind, so harmless, a birth of nature? I'll fix you my poor child," she mumbled before taking the poor unconscious bird in her caring arms, laying her down on a bed. She quickly scurried away, looking for the ointments and herbs needed.

This made me closely look upon Huntress. She who lay before me loosely wrapped in silk. A white pure feathered wing hung lazily on the bed. I smiled, she looked so peaceful. So free.

Raina came hurrying back, setting down the stuff she needed to pull out the arrow. She looked over towards me. "I always knew you had a loving heart, Thrandy," she said with a proud toothy grin, before going back towards her new patient.

I, on the other hand, stood there, the corner of my mouth lifted into a small smile. Thrandy was the nickname she called me, knowing that I hated it always gave her a smile on her face.

I saw a piece of her blondish white hair fell into her face as she concentrated, gently putting some green kind of past around the arrow, before carefully grasping the arrow, muttering a pray in ancient elvish, I quickly turned my head, not wanting to see. When I heard what sounded like a sigh in relief, I turned around to see Raina stitching the wound close.

After she finished, turned to me smiling again. "I think she's going to live," she joked, before wrapping her small figure around me. We stood there in each other's arms for a moment, swaying a little, before she pulled away, looking up at me with amusement

"I thought a prince should know better," she said, pointing at my towel. "However thank you for the view. Its quite a sight" I blushed in embarrassment and tried to cover my bare chest. This action  made her crack up laughing, nearly dropping to the floor.

After she finally stopped, clutching her stomach and tears down her check.

"Very funny, Raina. When will she be fully healed?"

She looked at me and answered, "she should be fully healed by tomorrow."

I watched as she started to pack away her things when a guard came in. "We have caught the hunters, sir."

I smiled.



I Know I say "Im sorry its short" but i like writing short, i think it gives character, so I'll try and write more even though they are short chapters.

What do you think of Raina?

The holidays start now soo ill try and write more if you like. Thank you to all you guys that read this book, Its really awesome.

DO you have any suggestions?

I'm thinking to have more action.


Gosh I sound like a weirdo!

Raina but a bit older Pic on the side--> 


Cursed with Wings (Thranduil Fanfiction)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara