Chapter Twenty Three: Mother In The In-between.

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Belle's P.O.V

I sat up, looking up at her in awe. She was just the same as she remembered. Her delicate face with dark green eyes, wavy whitish blonde hair that fell past her shoulders. She wore the same clothes that she was stabbed in. Lavender cloth mixed with crimson red. Her blood.

"It's me, sweetie" an angelic voice filled the pure white air. Tears fell from my eyes, my hands started to shake in shock.

"Y-yo-u can speak?!" my voice was weak, filled with disbelief. Tears fell from her forest green eyes as her pale hand lightly caressed my cheek. I gasp as I felt the warmth that I have missed in a long time, I leaned into her hand, enjoying her small touch. She nodded, a sad smile upon her face.

"I am so sorry my dear. I know you have dreamed about one day actually hearing my voice," Her voice cracked, nearly bursting out crying. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. I failed at being your mother." Her voice cracked before her eyes rained with tears. She looked away, she could not bear to see her child turn on her.

I did what I wanted to do for a long time. I crawled to her as fast as I could and wrapped my arms around her, burring myself in the crook of her neck. I heard her gasped in surprise before her arms folded around my body, pulling me into an unbreakable chain of joy and love. A tear slide down my cheek as I whispered the words into her ear.

"You are the best mother anyone could ask for" I heard a happy chuckle full the air around us. I felt her fragile hands on my shoulders gently, pulling me away ever so slight. My Mother, Analee, face was lighted up with emotions. Her dark forest green eyes held love and happiness while her tears that had fallen, held forgiveness and sadness. With my hand I tenderly wiped the stray tears away. Her lips lifted up, forming a small smile upon her face. She then lightly grabbing a curl of my golden blonde and tucking it behind while saying "How in the heavens, was I given a precious and perfect gift. You," I felt her slightly cold finger lightly caressed my cheek

But her hand drop all of a sudden, resting gently in her lap. "The reason you are here is because I have important things to tell you" Her gaze not meeting mine. I frowned, aren't I dead? Didn't I drown in that lake?

"What do you mean? I just died" I said, tilting her head up, to see her eyes of truth. She sighed and shook her head.

"You are in the between, neither alive nor dead. You have a choice. You can either go back or look after my mother and that dreamy boy." my cheeks reddened at her statement. A small chuckle escaped her lips, which made me even redder.

"Or you can go to the heavens in the skies, beside the stars. Now as your mother, I would be not be too happy if my child decided to end her life early. But that's just my opinion" She said holding her hands up in surrender.

"It's your choice." Her voice echoed in the air.

I looked up at her and said, "But what about you? Will I be able to see you again?" She looked at me and sighed, nodding. She reached forward and grabbed the necklace that hung around my neck.

"You see this, the gods have been every so kind to let you be able to contact me anytime you wish. But let me warn you" she said pointing her finger at me. "There will be a cranky old mother, if her daughter contacts her every minute!" she said sternly, looking directly into my eyes. I gulped and nodded in agreement.

"Good," she mumbled under her breath. "Good." She snapped her head up to me and said, "Now," and clapped her hands. "Tell my about this boy you have taken a liking too?" she questioned, rubbing her hands together as if she is creating a wicked plan.

I rolled my eyes and told her everything. Her face lit up, grabbing my face in both of her hands and said "I so proud, finally you have taken an interest in the other gender," giggling in enjoyment.

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