Chapter Sixteen: The Dying Queen.

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Belle's P.O.V

As I saw the sun project the reds and pinks as it kisses the horizon, I sighed wishing I could stay here all the time but curses are curses. Spreading my wings as I jumped of the branch, and gliding in the air. Closing my eyes as I felt the wind against my feathers, soaring above the tree tops, the ends of my wings brushing the tips.

Diving down a little, to come in view with the village, all the people coming home to their families. But there was a crowd gathered around the fountain, weird. Going around the back and through the window.

Sparkles started to dance around my body as I started to change, which only happened during the full moons. As my body finally became full elf again, I jumped off the bed and walked out of my bedroom. "Raina, I'm back!" I shouted as I walked down the hallway. It was dead silence as I entered the Kitchen, the kettle was boiling on the fire, a tea cup and saucer was set on the table, the cup was on an angle as if in a hurry. When I was by the table, I sat down on the chair and touching the cup. Strange, where is she?

"Raina?!" I shouted, no response.

Where is she? Tapping the table with my fingers waiting for any sound of Raina. Suddenly "EEEEEEEK!" made me jump, looking over to see the kettle was screaming, steam pouring out. I sighed, taking the kettle off the fire and into the sink, mumbling, "Stupid kettle!"

Leaning against the counter tops, thinking of where Raina could be. Oh I've had it! Grabbing Raina's black cloak and stormed out the door, heading to the village.

The ground was still a bit muddy from last night downpour, my boats and the hem of my dress were covered in mud. As I reached the square, I gazed everywhere for Raina, shouting her name, but when I saw the coward standing around the fountain, I got curious, walking over there I heard a deep man's voice shouting something I couldn't exactly catch. As I got closer i heard gasps, women putting their hands over their mouths.

Putting my hood up, and approached the crowd.

Tapping a woman's shoulder, making her turn around. She had purple eyes and red hair, her eyes were blotchy though, her cheeks a little red.

"Excuse me but what's going on here?" I asked, she looked at my hooded face and sniffled and said "Apparently the queen is injured, attacked by orcs, the guards say. She may not make it, losing too much blood. We are all here to hear further news of her condition. We don't want to lose her!" she said before bursting out into tears. Straight away I pulled her into a hug, patting her back. As I tried to calm her down, I had an Idea.

I'm going to save her!

The woman pulled back and said, "What was that dear?" whoops I must have said it out loud! I smiled and said, "She will make it, I'm sure she will," before running to the palace.

Luckily only one guard was there instead of two. The other, probably informing the crowd. I snuck behind a tree. Using the wind, I made the bush on the right shake, catching the guard's attention. I continued to shake it till the guard grabbed his sword and went to investigate. Quickly, I tiptoed as fast as I could to the door, slowly opening it a bit and slid in. Closing the door quietly as possible I ran to the healer's room.

As I was about to open the door to the healers, two sets of hands grabbed my arms, pulling me back. Two elves, probably guards let go of my arms and stood in front of me, blocking my path. "Only healers can be let in," the guard on the left said, sternly.

"But I can help!"

The guard raised his eyebrow and said, "Really?" not convinced.

I sighed before shouting, "Raina! Raina!"

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