Chapter Thirty Four: A Possible Future.

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Wayland's P.O.V

  "Belle? Ya here?!" I shouted, rushing through the house, eager to find my dear, poor Belle. It broke my heart as I heard the slightly muffled sobs standing outside her bedroom door. I raised my shaky hand to knock, but stopped short as I heard her mumble.

"Why! Why does love hurt?"

Ah, so that's what this was all about. Hmm. I thought I may know a remedy that could help. Quickly I came to the small webbed infested backboard. When my hands fell upon the slightly dusty object, my heart skipped a beat as memories flooded back. I bit back the tears, my hand gripping the instrument harder.

Slowly I knocked on her door again. I heard her sobs go quiet for a second.

"Belle, could I come in?" I whispered to her from the other side of the door.

"G-go away, Wayland." Her croaky voice quivered from crying.

I sighed, sitting myself down against the door. As I ran my fingers through my hair, I said, "You know, Belle, this is only a storm. Sooner or later the sun will push away the dark clouds, horrible winds and the rays of illuminated fire." I paused before continuing, "What I am trying to say is that it'll turn out right sooner or later. You just have to be patient."

With my calloused hand, I grabbed the necklace from under my shirt. Threaded on it was her ring, Raina's ring. The ring she never got to see, for it fell from her window before she could set her own eyes upon it.

"Belle, let time decided when it is right. Take myself for example. In all my existence, I have only fallen in love once. And in time, I will give my love the one thing I that I truly want her to have. Even if it takes my whole existence, I will give it to her."

Then I heard her sniffles increase before she started crying, again! I sighed, grabbing my old guitar and started playing the song I had written for my dear, poor Belle.

Song on the side.....>

The door slightly opened to reveal a scruffy-looking Belle. Her hair was a mess and her eyes were stained red and puffy. She had a blanket draped over her shoulders and she lay down next to me, closing her eyes.

Halfway through the song, I felt Belle's head on my shoulder. Her red puffy eyes started to droop and there was the occasional sniff.

"I'm a mess, Wayland," I heard her mumble, her hand wiping away new tears.

I sighed and said, "Everyone is a mess, lass. Some just pretended they can clean it up better than others." I watched as her lips turned into a tiny smile and she snuggled next to me for warmth.

Before I knew it, Belle was fast asleep. She looked so much like her mother. I gently picked Belle's sleepy body in my arms before tucking her into her bed.


Belle's P.O.V

"Beelleee, oh, Beeelle."

My eyes shot open. Quickly I grabbed the hidden dagger from under my pillow and swiftly sat up, scanning my bedroom. My grip suddenly tightened on the dagger as I heard the voice again, chuckling inside my head.

"Long time, no see, huh? Did you hear? Your beloved Prince is getting married tomorrow. What a shame you'll be drowning in your own tears, begging for me to end your life."

"GET OUT OF MY HEAD!" My hands clutched my head as I heard his painful voice again.

"Belle, that's not nice. After all the favors I have given you."

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