Chapter Thirty Two: The Fateful Encounter.

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Belle's P.O.V

My wings stretched out wide elegantly cutting into the wind as I dived through the high clouds. Feeling the wind against my body made me feel weightless. My eyes scanned the treetops below. Spotting a glimpse of an elf lady being carried on a stretcher towards the castle. I swear the breeze was stronger up here than before. There were grey clouds up ahead surrounding the distant mountains making them invisible to the eye.

A faint cry from a horse caught my attention. I flapped my wings, making me hover in the air. I turned my head into the direction the cry came from. Curious, I swooped down, until I was in-level with the tree tops. A distance flock of birds broke out of the trees, signalling a disturbance within the forest. I gain speed and flew towards the area of a small clearing.

Settling down on a nearby branch, I took on the amusing view before me. An old looking man was getting up from the ground, with the help of his staff of course. He was grumbling under his breath as he rubbed his sore behind while glaring at the old mare. He held a long dark wooden pipe in his slightly wrinkled hand. As he slowly mounted his horse, I moved in closer to get a better look. But half way through, I felt his gaze land on me. When I managed to get to a branch, I watch with my beady eyes as he looked straight at me, puffing his pipe, amusement sparkled in his eyes.

"Now why a beautiful creature of the night would be wandering out in the daylight, Hmm?" He wondered as smoked rings escaped his pipe. He reached out his cloaked arm up to me. I steered at it for a moment, unsure by his sudden gesture. The old man did seem awfully nice, so I spread my long wings out and flew towards his arm. My claws carefully clutched on his soft clothed arm and he pulled me up to where his eyes met mine. The man suddenly narrowed his eyes to examination me before a warm smile appeared on his scruffy mouth.

"Would you happen to know the way to Mirkwood? You see I'm in a slight pickle," he asked waiting for my reaction. Nothing. He hesitated then spoke, "Would it be more helpful if I said I was Gandalf the Grey?"

My eyes widen in disbelief. He must have been the wizard the queen sent for! I nodded my head and was given a pat on the head. I narrowed my eyes, receiving a heart-warming chuckle from the old man. I spread my snowy white wings out and gently lift off, gaining distance between Gandalf and myself. I heard the familiar sounds of hooves hitting the ground followed by the creaking sound of the old wagon that the horse was puling. Guilt hit my stomach, I left Daeron that night I met Wayland. I really hope he is okay.

As I continued to guide him, I took a look at my surroundings. The grey clouds above me were moving off into the distance, clearing a certain section in the far mountains. Snow still covered their tips, but as spring draws closer, you could see the sun touch the snow, making it look like diamonds.

I twirled through the air, loving the feeling the wind caress my wings, I heard the wizard start to mumble under his breath all the way until we reached the village. I then turn around and land on his shoulder again, I felt his hand gently pat my feathers as he said quietly, "My friend, why aren't you strange, last I heard your kind only wake at the moonlight. Even more, you help a stranger finds his way...Hmm, what a strange bird."

I felt his hand slide down to my left wing, slowly I felt him gently spread my wing out, showing the flower design inked into my feathers.

"Now isn't this fascinating?!" he said circling the floral pattern that's imprinted on my feathers. "Beauty of Nature," He mumbled before adding, "A rare sight to come by," he said, gently tracing the design before looking straight into my eyes.

"The ancient elves have set you a great task, and for having that symbol on an owl I have no clue." He let go of my wing and patted my small back once more.

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