Chapter Twenty Seven: Saving An Innocent.

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Belle's P.O.V

The sun had risen, but instead of bringing heat, it brought white crystal, snow. Thousands of white snowflakes fell from the sky, covering the ground. The first day of winter. Snow gently decorated Raina's delicate body, burring her and the autumn flare.

I watched high up in a branch, not far from the scene. I watched as the guards slid of their horses, shocked at the sight that lay before them. The leader of the company stepped forward, examining Raina's body, he took off his craved helmet and held it to his chest.

He mumbled the words in elvish, "Raina rest in peace, let the waves of light guide you to a new path." He stood up slowly, turned around and spoke to the one of the guards.

"Inform your majesties that Elder Raina has passed over." The elf nodded, swiftly he mounted his brown coated horse and headed to the village.

Suddenly the elves came back from their search, crossbows in hand and shook their head. "No sign of him, sir. We lost him up by the silver lake," one of them said, all of them had their heads down. The leader sighed, putting his helmet back on. He ordered the bowman to carry Raina's body back as punishment.

My gaze followed them as they walked away with Raina on a stretcher. A tear fell as I looked at her still face. She looked so peaceful, but so cold. The warmth was taken from her red cheeks, her lips and of course, her hair lost its familiar glow to it.

I felt my heart break into a thousand pieces. In its place was a hollow soulless box within my torn apart flesh. There was nothing left of me now, nothing.


Thranduil's P.O.V

"THEIR OUR ALLIES. THEIR OUR FRIENDS! DOES THAT MEAN ANYTHING TO YOU?!" I was practically screaming at the man that sat upon his throne. His tired warn face stared at the wall at the far corner, emotionless. He didn't move a single finger expect for occasionally stirring his glass of wine.

"Are you even listening to anything I have said?!" I shouted, annoyed at the non-response I was getting. His head snapped to were eyes stood, his face was red with anger and his eyes glowed with furry as his lips were draw into a thin line.

He suddenly stood up, his gaze not leaving me as he roared out, "DO YOU THINK I AM IGNORING YOU? WITH YOUR PATHETIC WHINING." His hand tightly gripped the wine glass, his knuckles turning white.

"YOU!" He shouted, pointing his finger as he continued. "AND YOUR ANNOYING LITTLE BITCH OF A MOTHER, THINKING YOU PEOPLE KNOW WHAT IS RIGHT FOR THIS KINGDOM!" He took a step down from his throne and glared at me. "I am not leading my men to their deaths," He said holding the bridge of his nose. My anger seemed to grow as I said, "So you are going to stand here while innocent lives are being taken! What kind of King are you?!"

I quickly turned around and stormed to the door. But as I opened the door a little, I felt something being thrown in my direction. I quickly ducked as I heard glass shatter against the door. I looked up to see the remains of his glass of red wine now embedded in the door.

I snapped my head back to my father, my eyes narrowed. "Don't question my judgment, Thranduil," he growled, steeping down from his throne. He took a few steps towards me saying,

"I am still your King if you like it or not. But just this once, I will listen. Prepare the men, we leave at dawn," he ordered, turning his body around to his throne. My face held no emotion, but inside I was shocked. I was interrupted by hurried footsteps, suddenly the doors burst open with a BANG!

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