Blue Eyed Blood

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"Attention everybody, we have arrived at Mystique Falls, so can everybody please board off the bus in a calm and orderly fashioned manner, and thank you for riding with Falcon Buses!"

Groaning softly, I stretched and then got up and grabbed my duffle bag getting out of the seat and following the small line of people boarding off the bus. Putting in my headphones I put my backpack on and hold onto my duffle bag, getting out of the bus and looking around slightly dazed, letting my eyes adjust to the outside light. Blinking some more, I looked around the town's center and walked towards the town looking around the town, more comfortable than usual in the new towns. Feeling like I had been there before somehow. Shrugging that feeling off I started walking around looking for a place to eat, my stomach rumbling already. Humming softly, I walked inside some place called "Mystique Grill", a really lame name but funny in the end. Making my way into one of the booths I slid into it and sat cris crossed watching everyone around, playing pool, eating, drinking and just enjoying themselves. Blinking a bit, I smiled slightly at the blond guy with an apron approaching me.

"Hello, I'm Matt and you are new in town, aren't you?", forcing a small smile, I nodded.

"what gave it away?"

"Lived here my whole life, would have noticed you if you had lived here before, anyways are you going to order?", smiling I nodded and then took the menu and opened it, reading it quickly.

"I would like to have the burger with extra fries, a sundae, and two strawberry milkshake, please"

"sweet-tooth, nice. Your order will be ready in about 15 minutes"

Shifting a bit I nodded and forced a small smile, dropping it as soon as he turned to walk away. Taking in a deep breathe, I scratched the back of my head and closed my eyes taking another breathe, calming my nerves down. Calm down Amara, he was just being slightly funny and noticing how many milkshakes you ordered, nothing to worry about. Taking another breath in I opened my eyes again, only to find a pair of blue eyes staring straight at me. Shifting a bit I averted my eyes, biting my bottom lip, sending a small glare to the blue-eyed man staring at me from the bar, which apparently did not seem put off, but encouraged by it, the nerve of that man! Rolling my eyes I watched him make his way to my booth and sit across from me.

"Hello, your new in town aren't you?", letting out a deep breath, I forced a smile trying to be at least slightly polite.

"Yes. Now what is it that you want from me", that earned a chuckle from him, well great now he won't freaking go.

"I'm Damon Salvatore and you are?" The name sounds familiar but where have I heard it before? I didn't spend much time thinking about it.

"Nobody of interest. Now, would you mind letting me eat my meal in peace, please"

Chuckling he shook his head staring at me straight in the eye as if he was trying to see all my darkest deepest secrets, so I did what anybody like me would do, and I dove into his memory. Flashes of a girl with brown hair, a brooding guy, a colored girl, two blonds, the waiter, a man in a suit and another with dirty blond hair and haunting blue eyes. Then there came the blood. So much blood, so much death all revolving around him. So much sadness, and anger, and regrets, and so so much death! Blinking and forcing myself to look away I took off my glasses, rubbing my eyes a headache forming already. When I opened my eyes again, he was staring at me confused and slightly tense.

"Are you okay?", nodding slightly, I fixed my glasses, clearing my throat. Trying hard not to freak out more than I already was.

"Yeah... yeah, I'm fine, so um...yeah."

"Okay, now if you don't mind I'm gonna order something to eat. A pretty girl like you shouldn't eat all alone"

Letting a small smile form in my lips, I gave him a small nod and started eating my food. If this guy's a killer, I might as well not want him to get me on his hit-list.

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