Stranger Danger

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After about three days after having heard the conversation, and being caught. Not going to go into detail about that, because it was basically just getting a lecture from Damon about eavesdropping and then a whole other talk about what they wanted to do. Really boring actually, but what caught my attention completely was their lock down program, as i like to call it. Basically keeping me on the Salvatore residency forever, getting stronger on my powers and shielded off of the world. Which, after two days, i got tired off.

"Damon, Damon lets go to the Grill yeah? I don't want to stay in here ALL the time!"

"Amara, no. we talked about this before. We can't risk them finding out your here, before the plan"

"but i don't want to stay in here forever Damon! I demand to be let out!"

"Amara, you can-"

"Damon please! Im about to go insane!"

"Fine! I'll leave you at the Grill and then ill pick you up in about an hour and a half, okay?! "

"yes! Thank you!"

Grinning i runned off to the room i was in and quickly grabbed my shoes and rushed back downstairs and out to the car, grinning like a kid in Christmas morning. Rushing into the car i sat down quickly and looked to the drivers seat, grinning. Damon just rolled his eyes and started the car and driving off to the grill. Grinning, i rolled down the window and slightly poke my head out closing my eyes enjoying the air. For a Lupin like me, being in contact with nature, is a very big priority. You know, with being a werewolf aka part dog and a witch aka a servant of nature. Damon pulled me back inside the car trying, and failing might i add, to not laugh his ass off before dropping me off at the grill. Jumping out of the car i grinned and waved bye before walking over and inside the grill. My grin fell a little,  when i realized not many people where in here. There was one guy on the bar, three teenagers on the pool tables, and the people working their shifts at the grill. Sighting softly, i made my way to the guy on the bar. Not feeling like socializing with hormonal teenagers. Sitting down one seat away from the man, i put down my bag and waited for the bartender to attend me, already feeling the guys eyes on the side of my face, making me start to get nervous. Should i have sit next to him? Maybe i shouldn't have, god i wish it wasn't this near to the full moon! I always act on impulse around this time, like some child!

"Your new in town", oh crap he's talking to me, what do i do?! oh my god his accent, it's beautiful!

"Yeah", okay chill that's all he's gonna ask right? Right? i hope so, but im loving his voice!

"Whats your name?"

Crap why is he still talking to me!? Wait, what did Damon say about strangers? Something about... moving them? Cheating them? Leaving them! Okay, Amara just leave, get up and walk away, now!

"so your names Amara, and why do you have to walk away now?"

Crap. Sighting i looked at him and froze. Oh my, he's beautiful.. so captivating. Blinking i quickly looked away, my cheeks blushing darkly, making me clear my throat trying to calm down my redness. Taking a deep breath i turned to look at him and blushed again when i saw him already watching me, a small smirk playing on his plum pinkish soft looking lips.

"um i- uh i shouldn't be talking to strangers and yeah...", he grinned and offered me his hand flashing a half smile,

"well why don't we change that, love. My names Klaus, Klaus Mikaelson pleasure to meet you, Amara"

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