Moving In with Vampries

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After freaking out for what seemed like an eternity, i decided to get a room at the cheapest hotel i could find, until i could buy a ticket out of this crazy town! Of course i was this close to actually accepting the offer of Damon to stay with them at their house, which Elena immediately shot down. To be honest, that's why i was even considering it in the first place. That brings me to where i am as of this moment, standing in front of an old dirty one bed apartment, with only one restroom, half a kitchen that was shared with the living room and something hidden with in it that smelled like something had dead.

"are you sure you don't want to come live with us at the manner? We promise we don't bite", rolling my eyes i shook my head and turned around to Damon grinning softly

"you know im not planning on staying long Damon.."

"come on Amara! We need you to be able to save Elena and her loved ones and everybody else in this town from the hybrid!", biting my lip i tilted my head to the side slightly

"what do you mean everybody in this town? The Mikaelsons are old vampires, they know what would happen if were exposed especially at this time of age"

"You think they care?! There the originals for Christ's sake! They kill without regret or remorse, and they don't stop until they get what they want"

Biting my lip i looked out the window, outside were a small family of four laughing and walking down the street, a baby in a stroller and the mother pushing it. While the father had the girl up on her shoulders. Imagine what would happen to them if the father died... or if the mother died. Imagine if they had to live the life you live... the constant fear that they would come back and finish the job, come back and kill you. Sighting i runned a hand trough my hair, trying to clear my eyes of the images it was creating.

"you have to understand im not that strong yet Damon, i don't even know how to be strong for crying out loud! but i will help you as much as i can"

Damon grinned and patted my back slightly, "that's good enough for me! now come on, ill send Stefan to pick up your things in awhile, lets go celebrate!"

Rolling my eyes i smiled slightly and shook my head, not really in the mood to celebrate anything right now. Just wanting to crawl into my warm bed, with some sweats and a t-shirt on and just watch Supernatural while eating a bag of chips.

"can we celebrate...tomorrow? I'm really tired and its been a long day and i just need some rest"

Rolling his eyes Damon nodded and picked my up, which made my eyes go wide, but before i could even protest, he was already running and stopping in front of his home.

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