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"you could have told me you were bringing her here, Stefan!"

"it was Damon who did it Elena, not me! Besides we need her!"

"No! No we don't! We were fine before she came, and we will be fine without her!"

"Why are you being so bitchy Elena?"

"Stay out of this Damon!"

Rolling my eyes i rolled out of bed silently and listened to the rest of the conversation happening down stairs at the Salvatore residence. A truly beautiful place to be honest, but not the most very welcoming one. Especially when Elena heard that i was now taking refuge there. Getting in the shower, and then making my way downstairs, showered and changed, the arguing finally stopping. In fact, all noises stopped besides the light footsteps and whispers being shared on the living room. So of course, me being me, i decided to silently listen in to what they were saying. Silently making my way down the stairs and to the kitchen pressing myself against the wall, my heart beat slightly picking up along with my breathe, before remembering that i was in a house of vampires. Making my control my heart rate and breathing, before sitting down on the floor listening in.

"Shes our secret card now. We use her to kill them, and that's it. We live happily ever after"

"are we sure they don't know that shes here?"

"Yeah, the moment she arrived town i could feel her, shes like some sort of...higher power. The moment she stepped into town, i felt more powerful, yet weaker. Like... i don't know how to explain it but it was something else. So i made sure that we found her before they did, Alaric"

"Okay, so Bonnie witch here is sure that no originals know that Amara is here, and i don't think that there's any more objections to whats happening. So lets go kill some originals"

"It's not that simple Damon, we have to make a-"

"a plan?! When do our plans ever go as planned? When do we actually stick to a plan, Stefan?"

"Stefan's right Damon, we have to make a plan. We can't go bargaining in and try and kill them, because if it backfires, we all either die or we lose the second thing we know can kill an original"

"fine, whatever"

There were some seconds of silence with the sound of retreating footsteps and a door slamming shut, before i finally let out a deep breathe. I was now classified as a weapon, not a person a weapon. to kill people i don't even know! Whats so bad about the Originals anyway? yeah there the first family, all ever mighty whatever, what are they even doing? Nothing as far as i can tell! I really don't want to be a weapon in a war where i don't even know who the good side is. Why did i ever agree to this? Oh that's right, because i have nothing else to actually live for and maybe just maybe if im lucky enough they kill me.

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