Chapter 4

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---Jesse's POV---

Above is a pic of Savega's dad.

"Maybe you should do a profile check, Jesse." Dom said.

I went in the back room and sat down at the computer. I got on the scanner and looked up 'Savega Lee Martinez'. I found a school picture. She looked about 16. She got kicked out of school because she has ADD. Just like me. It says the only thing that calms her down is anything that has to do with cars. Same as me. But it says the her mom died a few years ago. She has an abusive dad and brother. Her moms name was Amelia Rose Martinez. Her dads name is Aaron Landon Martinez. Her brothers name is Ash Lancton Martinez. Savega was in juvi for 2 years for stealing cars.

"What you find?" Letty asked.

I looked to see the family behind me. I pointed to the screen.

"So that guy at the race that started beating her and yelling at her was her brother?" Dom asked.

"Yeah." I said.

"She was in juvi for 2 years." Leon said.

"We've all been in juvi before. No big deal." Dom said.

"She said she wasn't going back. She has no place to stay." I said.

"She does now." Letty said.

"She's just like you, Jesse. She went through some of the same stuff as you." Vince said.

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