Four: Recorded

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Hopping out of my beat-up hand me down dark gray Jeep I slammed the driver door shut and walked over the dampened asphalt toward the front doors of Red Mountain High School. The series of doors snapped open and close as groups of students flowed through.

My superhero Converse squeaked against the floor as I went to pull open up the door.

"Here, let me get that for you," A deep and very attractive voice said.

Voices can be attractive?

I turned my head and saw none other the Jaycen Ward, the team captain of the lacrosse team, and one of the biggest players at Red Mountain, opening the door for what appeared to be me.

Crap! He knows! I thought to myself, surprise surely written all over my face. How did he find out so fast!? Meg's hair! It's so recognizable!

"Here you go, Star."

I quickly tried to stifle my shock and found myself raising an eyebrow at him, amazed he even remembered that my name began with an 'S'.

"My name's Sydney..." Jaycen lifted a challenging eyebrow. "Er...Never mind...Thanks." I said walking into the building about to run off, but his voice stops me.

"I know your name's Sydney, but I think the nickname Star is fitting." Jay complimented, staring at me in what I could only think to be wistfulness.


I laughed at the thought cynically and with little humor carried in it told him, "That's actually a pretty good line. I hate to tell you buddy, but my pants," I gestured towards them with pointed index fingers, "are not open for business."

Jaycen's jaw tightened, but before he could say anything else a girl came rushing to his side, proving my point so.

"Jay! I heard about what happened at practice last night are you alright?!" The raven-haired girl asked looking over him like she would fine visible marks of last night's events.

Taking the opportunity I spun on my heel and started walking away, afraid that somehow Jaycen would remember that one moment when their eyes locked and recognize me. That was if he wasn't already onto Meg that is.

"We'll be talking later Star," Jaycen said, his voice holding a warning of some sort.

I scurried off to my first class praying he would forget.

Turning the last corner to get to my class, my nerves had almost settled when harsh hands grabbed my injured shoulder and pulled me stumbling into a dark alcove in the hallway that used to house a vending machine.

"You better listen here and listen close, you need to watch your self and leave Jaycen alone." The voice spat into my ear sending me hurtling back into the flow of students.

Squeezing my heavily bruised shoulder, I turned back only to see the space was no longer occupied. Debating whether or not to go investigate, my decision was made by the horde of students pushing me away from the bathroom and towards my first-period class.



"Sweetheart, have a good day at school. I'll be home in a few days. Make sure your father eats, will you?"

"Yes, Mom," I groaned in compliance, despite this being a regular issue every time she left on business.

"Okay, I love you, Sweetheart. Have a wonderful day."

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