Ten: The Forest

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After dropping off my stuff in my Jeep I rushed off to the forest in hopes of finding my phone. I had swung by the lost and found hoping maybe someone had found it and brought it in, but that didn't appear to be the case.

I knew it would look bad if someone caught me revisiting the scene of the crime, but I knew my phone way laying out in the forest, there was the small possibility of it not already being destroyed from exposure of the elements, so time was of the essence.

I squatted close to the ground and began to search the mossy green forest floor for the phone.

After about ten minutes, I rose off the ground and let out an agitated groan.

With the back of my hand, I wiped the thin sheen of sweat off my forehead. Glancing overhead, I saw the beautiful orange sky was soon going to give way to a haunting dark gray mass that held rain clouds in it.

The massive pine and spruce trees stood at least two stories tall around me. The patches of thick grass occasionally swayed if the wind picked up long enough and the gust was strong enough to break through the upper vegetation of the trees with their strong protective branches. The late day's breeze tangled through and trashed the trees pine needles and leaves around in a flowy motion.

My hair was whipped up from the wind as well, effectively cooling the sweat on the pack of my neck and down my shirt. I started to relax.

It was peaceful out here listening to the wind and nature move together. I knew it was cliche to say, but I had always had a deep appreciation for the outdoors. I didn't know if it was growing up with such an adventurous dad, or what, but all of my life I had always had good experiences and memories outdoors.

After taking in a few deep breaths to further calm me from the frustration and anxiety of hunting my phone, I crouched back down onto the forest floor and continued along the trail.

Finally, about to give up, a sound from behind me caught my attention. Snapping up and spinning around I was greeted with nothing. It was then that I noticed the lack of chirping from birds and that I hadn't seen any squirrels or bunnies since I entered the wooded area.

"Damn Syd. You're just trying to rile yourself up," I whispered.

I tried reminding myself that I was still near the school, and the likelihood of a larger predator was unfound with how much activity was usually bustling around. I could almost see the lacrosse field from where I was, and I knew the parking lot was only a bit further in the opposite direction.

After taking another glance around, I found nothing was there and came to the conclusion that what I probably heard was a twig or pine cone falling from a tree.

I knew I was starting to be in a time crunch with the clouds approaching. With that, I turned back to progress on the trail I was investigating, and instead slammed into a hard form.

Damn, I'm a klutz.

Thinking I had spun into a tree, upon opening my eyes, a scream tore from me.

A massive hand cupped my mouth smothering my scream.

"Hush Sweetheart, I just wanna talk." The stranger's voice was smooth, but it gave me shivers and I was on high alert.

"If I let go will you keep your mouth shut?"

I slowly nodded, not sure if I could truly keep that promise.

"Alright..." He removed his hand.

I looked up and found his startling bright blue eyes staring down at me. I opened my mouth to let loose a scream when his hand slapped down across my mouth again and his eyes flashed with fury. "Come on Sydney, you gave me your word."

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