Twenty-Five: The Whole Story

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"Ash, what are you doing here?" I was bewildered.

My friend smiled sheepishly. "Er...I'm kind of a werewolf too Syd. Just like my brother."

I stopped dead in my tracks.

Are all of my friends' liars? I asked myself, hurt.

My wolf put in her two cents, It is likely a long-standing tradition of keeping this a secret. Mean imagine what Emily and Meg would say...It's not because they didn't trust you...

They're my friends! I would have been fine with it! They should know that!

Sydney... My wolf sighed. She knew not to press it because I was hurt by friends and their lack of trust in me.

"Syd, I wish we could've-" Ash started.

"Oh yeah, I forgot twittledee is in on this too. Where is Mat?" I demanded.

"He's out..." Jay said tightly.

"Sydney, please listen! Mat and I wish we could've told you!"

"Do you not trust or have faith in me, or Meg or Emily?" I interrogated on. My arms were crossed against my chest, defensively. I felt like I was trying to hold myself together both emotionally and physically.

"It's not that, and it's not that we don't cherish your friendship but..." Ash said twiddling his fingers around.

"Hey hey. I'm here." Mat entered, coming into the kitchen wiping his hands on his jeans. He spotted me almost immediately, "Sydney! How are you? Are you okay? What happened last night? Do you know who brought you here?" He shot off firing out questions.

"Wait, hold your horses. What do you mean do I know who brought me here last night? I thought one of you guys found me out in the meadow?"

"The meadow!? Where the hell is the closest fucking meadow to here anyway?" Jaycen was pissed.

And kinda hot.

I ignored that thought, "As I said before, I was upset with you."

"Wow, that's far away," Mat mumbled off to the side looking at his phone for presumably the nearest meadow.

"I'm sure it's outside of pack territory! You could've been hurt or taken!" Jaycen started with a growl.

"Slow your roll buddy." I pinned Jay with a glare and he lightened at it remembering out talk. "I didn't know that! In fact, I pretty much don't know anything! I didn't know that two of my closest friends are actually werewolves! Hell, I didn't werewolves really existed. I don't know why the hell there's this psycho person named Logan stalking me! And I certainly don't know why this Elliot guy randomly bit me!"

Mat sighed and looked at Jay. "Jay, it's time to come clean about everything."

"Don't tell me what to do omega."

"Jay calm down. He's just saying it how it is." Terrence butted.

Jay's semi-dark eyes swiveled to his best friend and Mat. Then they snapped back to me and he swallowed hard.

Reluctantly he nodded. "Okay. I'll tell you everything."



These were one of those days where I wish I had gone to school instead of staying home.

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