Chapter 8: The Winter Formal

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I wake up and see blurry figures. "Oh thank god." I hear a scrawny voice say. 

"Stiles?" I ask, unsure of  where I am, or who the other figures are.

"Come on, get up." He says, looking around, nervously.

I try to stand by fall down, unable to breathe. "Stiles what the hell happened? The surgeries--- were fine. I can't--" Stiles quickly stands me up and gets me into his jeep. He quickly drives to the school, as I start to breathe again. "What the hell?" I ask.

"I don't know." He says as we get to the school. 

I wait in the car as Stiles runs to get Scott. I try and remember how I got to the hospital. I went there to find Mom. She wasn't there... Why can't I remember past that?!?! 


My mother has been babying me since I got back. My mom is reluctant to leave me for her date. I make her leave, but she delays. She walks over to Scott's room, to tell him that she will be home late. I hear the door bell ring and yell out, "I got it." I walk down the stairs slowly, and reach the door. I open it to see a man in a leather jacket. "Hi, my mom will be down in a minute." I say, glancing at the stair case. I look back at him and recognize him from somewhere. "Sorry, do I know you?"

"I don't think so. I'm Peter." He says, extending his hand. I go to shake it, but Scott comes barreling down the stairs. He grabs my arm and pushes me behind him slightly. 

"Lizzie, you should go help mom." He says dangerously. I shrug and start to walk upstairs. I round the corner and stop to listen to their conversation. 

"Hello there." Peter says. I hear my brother breathing hard, and try to close the door. "Really? Slam the door in my face? Come on Scott." I freeze. Peter knows Scott, but from where? "Take a second to think that through."

"I'll tell her." Scott says. 

"That I used to be a catatonic invalid with burns coverage half my face? Good luck with that." Oh my god, I know him! He's Peter Hale! I think to myself. He was the only survivor of the Hale fire. Derek and Laura were at school, but Peter was caught in the fire. 

"If you hurt her, if you even touch her--"

"Scott, if I may interrupt your listing of the top five most impudent sounding threats for a moment, try and remember that I have been in a coma, for six years. Don't you think I'd like to have dinner with a beautiful woman?"

"Half a second, sorry!" Mom yells. 

"Or maybe, you think that I've come up with an idea. Like how it might be easier to convince you to be part of the pack, if your mother is too." Oh God, he's the alpha! "You also might want to check your twin's neck. Might help figure out what she knows." My hand jumps to the back of my neck, and I feel scabs. I run to the bathroom and check my neck out. I see 5 scabs covering claw marks. I slowly put my hair back down, and walk out of the bathroom, trying to figure out what to do. 

"Ellie? Where's my purse?" My mom asks. I quickly run down stairs and grab it. I give it to her as she sighs. "Thank you." We start to walk to the door. "Now remember, you can call me at any time. If something is wrong don't hesitate. Um, what am I forgetting?"

"You need to stop worrying." I say, with a smile. "I will be perfectly fine." My hand goes around my neck to feel the scabs unconsciously. I walk my mother towards Peter, and I try my best not to kill him. They walk out the door as I grab Scott's hand. 

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