Chapter 43: Goodbye Friend

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"You're friend was very helpful." The Nogitsune tells me. I roll my eyes, trying to block out his voice. "It must have been hard, you know? Being in a place where I murdered so many people." He clicks his tongue. "So many screams..."

"What is this accomplishing?" I ask, annoyed. "You have me, and we're sitting in an empty interment camp. What's the point?"

"Oh, sweetheart, you think I would tell you?" The Nogitsune sighs. 

"Wasn't planing on it." I look back at my hands. 

"You know, the banshee told me many things." The Nogitsune starts.

"I don't want to hear them."

"Like the fact that my host is dying." My head snaps up and he wears an amused expression on his pale face. "Now you listen."

I shakily stand and face him. "What do you mean Stiles is dying?"

"You know, I shouldn't have said anything. You didn't want to know." The Nogitsune teases.

"This is all some sick joke, is that it? You like seeing people scared and screaming?" I ask, disgusted.

"It is what I feed on." The Nogitsune nods. "Your friend was very brave, she even told me she wouldn't tell me anything. That was until she screamed."

"You son of a bitch!" I lunge but the Nogitsune easily grabs my arms and pushes me into the wall. I can feel his chest against mine, ice against heat. 

"She screamed a name, you know. She doesn't even remember." The Nogitsune sings.

"Who?" I ask.

"You'll know soon enough." He whispers, his breath heating up my ears. He lets go and I send him a glare.

"I'll kill you. I don't care if I die, but I will make sure you never see the light of day again." I threaten.

"Oh, you won't die." The Nogitsune says. "Your friend might."

"Which one?" The Nogitsune smirks and starts to walk away. "Which one?!"


"Do you think they're really spending ever minute looking for you?" The Nogitsune asks.

"I really, really hope not, cause," I let out a laugh. "I'm really not worth it."

"Oh, but you are. Elizabeth McCall, you don't know how important and worth it you really are." The Nogitsune gets up and sits across from me. "You don't know, do you?"

"Know what?"

"The prophecy."

"What prophecy?" I scoff. "If you're screwing with me--"

"No more tricks, I swear." He puts his hands up in surrender. "You know, it could have been Scott, but Stiles, being Stiles, had to drag your brother out one night to look for a body." The Nogitsune shakes his head. "I'm glad it's you though. Your brother would have died in a second."

"What the hell are you talking about?" I sigh, fed up with the stories.

"Did you know that there is one thing that can end the lives of every angel and ever demon on the planet? One death sets off another and another. The prophecy tells us of twins."

"And you think it's me and Scott?" I laugh. "Yeah, right. I'm human, you ass. Not special."

"The Winchesters think differently. They kept you around. But you don't think they wanted to, do you? You still think that you are worthless, just a piece in the game." He shakes his head. "No, Elizabeth, you're the game master."

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