Chapter 9: Adam and Gerard

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I sit in the hospital room with a very grumpy Lydia. I tested her while she was asleep, and she's not a werewolf. Bobby told me that with this type, you can either absorb the bite, or die from it. She is doing neither. 

I have been keeping an eye on her the whole weekend. 

"You want help getting in the shower?" Her father asks, as she stands up.

"Maybe if I was four." She says, walking towards the bathroom.  "And still taking bubble baths."

"Right, I'll just wait outside then. Where it is slightly less sarcastic." 

"Don't worry. I'll stay here." I say as he leaves.

A few minutes into her shower, I hear her coughing and gasping. "Lydia?" I ask. "Everything ok?"

"Yeah." She chokes out. I get back to my book, but don't really read. I hear more whimpering and walk into the room slowly.

"Lydia..." I hear more whimpering and then she screams. I rush to the shower, but am knocked down by a strong force. 

My head bangs against the tile and I see a blurry figure run out the window. I see figures rush into the room as I try to sit up. Stiles helps me and I point to the window. He slowly approaches it and looks at the moon, as Mr. Martin and my mother look around the room. 

Lydia is gone.


I walk back into the bathroom, after being interrogated by the Sheriff. I get to Lydia's clothing and cut off a piece of it that is stained with her blood. Hopefully I can use Cas to find her. 

Stiles walks in, looking suspicious. His eyes land on me and he jumps back. "Lizzie, hey. What are you doing here?" He asks.

"I just, I want to know what happened." I say, making tears come to my eyes. I stand up slowly and wipe the tears away.  "I want to know she's ok."

"Hey, it's gonna be ok." He says, coming up to me. I melt into him and just hug him.  I make sure to hide the piece of Lydia's garment, as I feel Stiles grab the whole thing. I break away and he hides it behind his back.

"Well, I should get home then..." I say, walking out. "Bye Stiles." 

I walk out of the hospital and get to Allison's house. Chris is already waiting by the door and lets me in.

I rush in and change into hunting clothes. I come out and see a group of three hunters, excluding myself. "Now we are going to help a hurt girl, not kill a dangerous one." I say, as I take out the piece of fabric. 

"Don't let your emotions cloud your judgment." Chris says, warningly.

"I did the tests and she isn't a werewolf, so we are not killing Lydia Martin." I say sternly. "My type of hunter may not have a code, but I do. I do not, under any circumstances, kill a monster that hasn't spilled innocent blood, or a monster that can be saved or trained. We are not killing her." I say, as the hunters look at me with... Is that admiration?

"We search the woods, she might be going to an alpha for a pack." Chris says. I put on my mask and get into the car with him, as the other two go into a separate SUV. We sit in silence until he says. "I hear that there have been more demon attacks lately."

"Yeah, I gave Allison an anti possession charm. She's safe." I say, as we get out of the car.

"Oh, I should have thought of that." Chris says. He then cocks his gun as I grab my knives. 

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