Chapter 46: Faking Death

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As I sit in the cell, I ignore everything that is happening around me. My mind keeps going back to that faithful day when I made a deal with a demon. What the hell was I thinking? Was Meg lying? If I stayed, would she have backed off in fear of pissing me off?

And then, I remember why I even agreed to the deal at all.

"Aiden," I laugh, letting him drag me into the distillery. "What are we doing here?"

"I thought we should have some alone time." He smirks. "But, I can always leave and get beat up by your brother."

"We can't have that." I frown. I lean up and his lips meet mine. It's still as good as the first time. I will never get tired of him. 

"Isn't this sweet?" Someone cackles. Both of us stiffen and turn to the side. I tense more seeing Meg, the bane of my existence. "Oh, please. Continue." She prompts.

"What do you want, Meg?" I growl at her. 

"Well, I think we need to talk, Lizzie." She starts to walk forward. 

"Like hell." Aiden states, steping in front of me slightly. Meg suddenly disappears, leaving us to look around. I turn to look behind me when I hear Aiden gasp. I spin back to see Aiden chocking on his own blood from his missing heart. 

"No! Aiden!" I scream as he falls. I drop next to him, tears already rolling down my face. I start to silently call out for Cas, hoping he will show up this time. "No, Aiden! Wake up, please! Please, wake up!" I sob over him, seeing his closed eyes. "I lost Allison, I can't lose you too." I lower my head to his chest, ignoring Meg's presence.

"Big, bad hunter gets attached to a werewolf. How poetic." Meg comments. 

"I'll kill you, you bitch!" I scream, looking up.

"Before you do that, just remember you don't have the demon knife.' Meg reminds me. 

"I'll exercise you."

"I'll kill everyone in the town before you can catch me."

"What do you want?!" I demand.

"You to come with me. You are very special, Lizzie. And I'd rather keep you close." Meg states.

"Funny. That's what the Nogitsune said." I spit out.

"Well, he's right. And if you don't come with me..." Meg trails off kneeling next to Aiden. "He won't be the last person you lose."

"You're bluffing." I dare her, sneering.

"Maybe I'll go for the banshee first, seeing as how she is already on her way." Meg suggests. She trails a finger down Aiden's face. "Or maybe just go straight for the Alpha." 

"Don't you dare." I shake my head.

Meg stands, seemingly satisfied with my reaction. "Come with me and I won't have to hurt them."

"Deputy." I call out. The old man turns in my direction. "I didn't make a call before. I would like to now, please."

He mutters something before begrudgingly opening the cell. He leads me towards the other deputies and sits me at a desk with a younger looking man. He hands me a landline and both deputies watch as I punch in a number I know by heart. 

I slowly put the phone to my ear. Each burst of static makes me jumpier until the ringing comes. I get more nervous each time the phone rings before...

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