Chapter 48: Reunion

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I wake up slowly. I open my eyes and realize I'm in an actual bed: not a jail cell. I survey the room from my position and find a knife lying on the bedside table. I hear soft voices outside the room I'm in as well as notice a window next to me. 

I quietly push myself to sit up, though my whole body is screaming in pain. I gently pick up the knife and start to walk towards the window. The floor creaks below me and I let out a curse. The voices stop and footsteps sound. 

I race to the window and lift it up. I look out to see a two story drop. "I can do this." I whisper, swinging a leg out the window. Someone grabs my shoulder and pulls me back into the room. 

I let out a yelp as I swing my arm back into the attacker, hitting his face. He grunts and I make a run towards the window again. He grabs onto my arm and I swing my knife back. He jumps out of the way before throwing me into the hallway. 

White spots cloud my vision as I grunt in pain and anger. I get to my feet and move to kick the attacker when he grabs my foot and throws me to the side, resulting in me falling down the stairs. 

I land on my back and try to blink out the spots. "Seriously?" I hear a rough voice exclaim.

"She wouldn't stop attacking me!" Someone else says.

"You idjits." Someone grumbles. 

"Bobby?" I whisper as a blurry figure comes into view. 

"Lets get you some water, kiddo." Bobby sighs, helping me up.

"Where are we? What happened?" I question, leaning on him.

"The boys found you." Bobby tells me, helping me into a chair in his kitchen.

"Boys? As in plural?"

"That's right." I turn towards the voice to see Sam and Dean in the doorway.

"I thought you were dead." I state rudely, looking at Sam.

"I was." He agrees. "Now I'm not."

"Ok..." I shake my head as Bobby hands me a bottle of water. "Have anything stronger?" I joke. He gives me a look and I unscrew the cap.

"So what were you...." Dean trails off as I down the water bottle.

"More, please." I give Bobby a goofy grin. I then look back at Dean's shocked expression. "I haven't had water in days. Give me a break."

"Wow." Sam breathes. "Did we miss something?"

"Why aren't you home?" Bobby asks. I turn to him with a blank stare.

"Because I'm not?" I try. Bobby just gives me an unimpressed look and I sigh. "I'm not supposed to tell you."

"Do you want me to call your mother?" Bobby threatens.

"If you want to hurt her more, sure. Be my guest." I say sadly. I look up as Bobby opens his mouth. A figure appears behind him and my expression turns into one of rage. 

"What now?" Dean asks, seeing my expression.

"I'm going to kill you, you son of a bitch!" I yell, jumping out of my seat and running at Cas. Bobby catches me and I struggle in his grip. Sam races over to Cas and Dean helps Bobby restrain me. "Alright!" I yell. "I'm calm!" They reluctantly let go as I continue glaring at Cas. 

"What'd he do?" Sam asks.

"Why don't you ask him where he's been the last 6 months." I accuse, feeling the urge to punch him over and over again.

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