The Rink - Part 1

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 Skyla's P.O.V

"Oh shit! Guys! It's eight o'clock! Classes begin in fifteen minutes!" Piper's voice called out as the sounds of rhythmic thuds of feet racing around the room filled my ears.

Cracking open my eyes I saw everyone getting up and rushing around the room like mad women. I on the other hand, slowly got up and sat at the edge of the bed for a minute before deciding that I wasn’t going to go to class today. “Let’s skip school.”

Everyone in the room froze like statues with wide eyes.

“What?” I asked as I wondered why they all looked so petrified.

Rosia ran over to me and touched my forehead. “Guys, she doesn’t have a fever,” Rosia stated.

“What do you mean she doesn’t have a fever?! Did you just hear what she just said?! If she doesn’t have a fever! Then she is possessed!” Piper replied as she walked over to Rosia and me.

I scooted back on the bed, hoping to get away from them. “Guys, I’m fine. It is just that I have had a lot go on in my life,” looking at Rosia straight in the eye I gave her a hidden message I knew she would get. “A lot of personal stuff,” glancing away from her I continued. “I just thought … we should all play hooky and just hang out around the dorm or go do something.”

Piper sat down next to me and gave me a look of concern. “Are you sure you feel okay?” Piper asked me.

“Yes, I feel fine. So, are we not going to class or what?” I questioned with a raised eyebrow.

“Movies?” Piper suggested.

“No, we watched a movie last night … oh, I have an idea! Let’s go ice skating!” Kelly shouted in excitement.

We all looked at Kelly like she had grown three heads and a tail.

“I don’t think-“ Rosia started to say, but Kelly cut her off.

“It will be fun! My boyfriend, Randall, can get us in for free since his dad owns a rink that is like five miles from here. We can take Piper’s car! Oh! Come on! Everyone get dressed!” Kelly shrieked as she jumped up and down with a wide smile.

“She has her mind set,” Piper muttered. “For your safety, you might as well get up and get dressed."

Rolling my eyes, I got off the bed and got ready. It wasn’t long before Kelly, Rosia and I were all crammed into the back seat of Piper’s purple Mini Cooper.

“Piper, please explain to me why we couldn’t move those boxes into the trunk! I wanted to sit in the passenger’s seat!” Kelly whined as she wiggled a little bit.

“Ouch you pinched me!” Rosia shouted as Kelly began to wiggle harder in her seat.

“Well, excuse me! I am squished back here all because Piper here will not put some damn boxes in the trunk!”

 “They are my brother’s, Guys. Max asked me to hold on to them for a while.”

“And you can’t put them in the trunk because…?”

“I don’t wanna,” Piper admitted as she turned down a road that I wasn’t familiar with.

Looking around, I started to wonder where this ice skating rink was. “Piper, do you know where you're going?” I questioned.

“What?! Of course I do,” Piper confessed as she leaned forward and wiped the fog that was accumulating on the inside of her windshield.

“Obviously you don’t because you turned down the wrong freaking road!” Kelly yelled in my ear.

I began to regret the decision to have her be seated in the middle of the backseat.

“This is a back road! I know where I’m going woman!” Piper fired as she allowed her eyebrows to furrow together.

Everyone in the car knew Piper didn’t know where she was going. Stopping the car, she sighed. “This is a back road, but I must have taken the wrong one,” she lied as she made a U-turn.

“Bet you did make the wrong turn. Monkey Brain,” Kelly muttered.

Piper looked in the backseat at Kelly and stuck her tongue out. “Shut it, Dummy.”

“How do you two live together?” Rosia quizzed right before giving a huff.

Piper, who was following Kelly’s directions, shook her head, “I’ve got no idea.”

When we finally reached the rink, Kelly was pushing Rosia out of the car as she went on and on about how she needed fresh air.

“Oh, be quiet,” Piper spat as she killed the engine and got out too. 

Stepping out of the car, I was blanketed by cold air. Smiling, I watched my breath create a smoky looking vapor as I exhaled. The sounds of the girls bickering, once again, made me roll my eyes and focus away from the neat fog my hot breath made as it clashed with the freezing cold air.          

Rubbing my black mitten covered hands together I tried to warm my hands that were feeling slightly numb from the Arctic weather that seemed to be covering the city around me. “Hey, Girls, can we please get inside? I am about to catch death out here,” I spoke as I pulled them away from arguing about who was going to drive us all home.

Piper shoved her keys into the small pocket of her leather jacket and smiled, “yeah, let’s go.”

Kelly and Rosia glared holes in Piper’s back as we walked into the ice skating rink.

I’d never been ice skating in my life. So, it is an understatement to say that I was nervous as I sat in the stands of the rink watching Rosia and Piper skate so gracefully on the rink. 

“Here are your shoes,” Kelly said as she handed me a pair of black ice skating shoes. “Do you need help?” She questioned and I gingerly took them from her hand.

I saw her boyfriend, Randall, who was lingering behind her waiting patiently to go on the ice with her.

I gave a shake of my head. “Nope, I got it,” I spoke. Kelly’s eyes mirrored concern, but I shook my head. “Seriously, I’m fine. I’ve skated before,” I lied with a small smile.

Randall walked over next to Kelly and snaked an arm around her waist. “We gonna go on the ice?” He asked her in a low tone of voice.

“Yeah,” looking back at me Kelly gave a half smile. “You sure you don't need me?"

I gave her a small nod, "ya! Go on! I’m just going to put on these skates and I'll meet you on the rink."

Kelly hesitated for a minute before bobbing her head. "Alrighty then,” with that Kelly allowed her boyfriend to drag her to the rink.

I looked down at the black shoes on my hands and sighed. I'd no earthly idea how I was going to walk in them, let alone skate. Sighing once more re-realized I lied to Kelly about having skated before. It was then that I wanted to crawl in a hole and die a slow death because I was totally going to look like a fool when I went out there.

Glancing up I saw Piper and Rosia spinning in circles on the ice while giggling like evil elves. Kelly, on the other hand was slowly circling the ice skating rink with her boyfriend holding her hand.

I smiled at the couple and realized that they were so cute together. Sitting there for a second longer, I took in Randall because I never got the chance to earlier when Kelly was all over him when we first got in ... He was cute ... Not as hot as Sebastian, but Randall held his own. He was about five foot ten, brown shaggy hair and brown eyes. Randall was a nice guy, but I could tell he is a man of few words...

"You've never skated before, have you?" A male voice said pulling me from my thoughts.

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