Jack is Back

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I walked into my dorm room, panting. I had ended up running all the way from McDonalds to here and my feet were aching as my lungs felt like they were on fire.

Rosia looked up from her magazine and gave me a skeptical look the moment I closed the door. “So, Skyla, where have you been?” She asked me with a raised eyebrow.

I sighed and took off my coat. I sat down on my bed and slipped off my shoes. “Just walked around the campus for a while.”

“Seems like you were running to me,” Rosia commented with an arched eyebrow. I gave her a ‘drop it’ look and laid down on my bed with my back to her. “Are you coming to the party tonight? They say the Kings will be there.”

I wanted to throw a pillow at her. Did she not know me at all? I would never go to a party, even if it was to save my life.

“Rosia, I don’t give a flipping flopper about the Kings, they have no influence in my life.” I stated.

Rosia gasped, “yes, they most certainly do. If they wanted they could do anything, even close the school. That most certainly would influence you. Think about it, they are Princes in real life, with all that money and connections they can do anything.” Rosia exhaled. ”What I would give to date one of them. You have Dean with his dark hair and electric blue eyes, man I can swim in them forever. Dean is the star basketball, swimming and football player. I think those teams are unbeaten, no thanks to Dean of course … Then there is Daniel with long brown hair that goes to his shoulders, yummy dark grey eyes. He is the nerd of the Kings-“

“If he is such a nerd why does he not show up for AP Biology?” I asked as my eyes began to close.

“Well, I think we have talked about this, he is busy with his Prince duties. Plus, he doesn’t need AP Biology; Daniel as already passed all of his classes he needs to graduate. If he wanted he could graduate now, which rumor has it, is what his father wants him to do. But Daniel wants to finish his years here with his two best friends, I presume … Anywhoo, last but not least, there is Sebastian with blond hair and green eyes. I think he is the hottest out of the group.” Rosia stopped talking.

“What is he?” I asked.

“What do you mean?” Rosia questioned.

“Well, if Dean is the star sports man, and Daniel is the nerd, what is Sebastian?” I quizzed.

“Sebastian is the player.”

I giggled. “Correction, I think you mean the womanizer.” I noted.

“H-he’s not a womanizer!” Rosia shouted in anger.

I turned over in bed and looked at her. “Does he always have a girl with him?” Rosia thought about it for a second and nodded. “Does he tend to have a different girl with him every time you see him?” I asked.

“Yes! But that doesn’t mean he is a womanizer or whatever you want to call him. That’s stereotyping.”

“It’s not stereotyping and hey! You called him a player, it’s the same as a womanizer.” I told her.

She huffed. “I just don’t like you using the word womanizer to describe Sebastian. Player seems less … I don’t know …” Rosia began to think of how to describe what she meant, but I didn’t care.

I flipped over in the bed and closed my eyes. I heard the phone ring, but I ignored it as I tried to go to sleep.

“Skyla it’s for you.”

I slowly got up, thinking it was probably my aunt and she wouldn’t stop calling until I talked to her. I reached for the phone. I saw Rosia smiling.

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