By Force

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I’d fallen asleep after thinking very hardly about how I might not be safe from Jack after all.

I was woken up by someone poking me. “Skyla, wake up before I resort to punching you.” 

I slowly opened my eyes and saw Rosia staring down at me. She smiled and sat on the bed next to me. I noticed she was in a short, silvery dress. Her makeup was really pretty with grey smoky eye shadow that made her eyes pop.

I glanced at her hair and saw at was curled.  “You look nice. Have you already gone to the party?” I asked her.

She shook her head. “No, it doesn’t start for another hour and a half. Which gives us plenty of time.” She said looking down at me.

I furrowed my eyebrows wondering what she meant. “Time to do what?” I asked, but then the moment I said that I saw two figures walk around my bed and stand in front of me. It was Kelly and Piper, Rosia’s two best friends that are both brown haired, green eyed. We tend to call them sisters because they look so much alike, but in fact that are not even related.

Studying them for a second, I noticed they were smirking at me evilly. 

“Get her!” Rosia shouted and then they all grabbed me and pulled me to the make-up table.

“What the hell?” I asked when I saw Kelly duct tape my wrist to the chair. “What the hell do you all think you are doing?” I quizzed in shock.

“We are dragging your ass to the party tonight,” replied Piper.

“Yep, because we are tired of our bestie sitting at here at the dorm alone while we have a blast.” Kelly admitted.

I sorta blushed at her words, because she has never called me her bestie. I was happy to know that she considered me that.

“So, now you must sit here and be a good girl while we make you look like a cheap hooker," stated Rosia.

I chuckled at her words because I always call her a cheap hooker when she wears makeup and wears dressed that are way too short. The word dress in my thoughts made me perk up. “W-w-wait?! Please tell me you are not going to make me wear a … a … a... dress?!” I said with my eyes wide open in fear.

They all gave me menacing looks before turning the chair around so I couldn’t look in the mirror. I really didn’t like how they wouldn’t answer my question.

I started slowly loosen the duct tape that trapped me in the chair by twisting my wrist around.

Kelly noticed after a few seconds what I was doing.

“No, bad Skyla!” Kelly told me and she flicked my forehead. But that didn’t stop me from still trying to get untapped. I knew I need to get out and make a run for the library. I was in no way planning on going to this party they wanted to drag me too. “Piper, she won’t stop, we must punish her.” Kelly stated as she began to add foundation to my face.

Piper nodded and walked over to my bedside. She picked up my book that I was reading. I watched as Piper took out my bookmark.

I gasped, “now I will have to flip through that whole book to find where I was!” I shrieked at her.

Piper shrugged her shoulder. “You should stop trying to escape. Next punishment will be worse.” Piper told me.

I sighed but thought about how I was not going to stop. I let them continue to think I was going to stay in the chair. When they finally finished my face, I watched Rosia start to straighten my long blond hair. I growled at her and she glared at me.

"It’s happening whether you want it to or not.” She hissed at me.

Kelly and Piper all the sudden walked into Rosia’s closet. I knew this was the perfect time to try and get out of here. I began to twist and jerk my wrist in the tape. Rosia smacked my hand, as if warning me to stop. I didn’t.

“Kelly! Piper! Code Red!!!” I stopped my movements. I knew code red was something bad.

Kelly and Piper came running out of the closet. Piper ran towards my book and Kelly ran towards the plastic Tupperware under my bed that held my collection of bookmarks. I watched as Kelly and Piper both walked over to the window, and opened it. Kelly leaned the container outside of the window, and Piper held the book out of the window seal.

“Stop!” I shouted at them.

They both raised an eyebrow at me.

“Those who do wrong should and shall be punished!” Piper said and Kelly nodded in agreement.

“I promise! I will be good. Just don’t throw those out the window. It’s a library book, and if you dare drop it, I know where you hide your sour worms, Piper. And that collection of bookmarks … Well, Kelly, if you dare to even bend an end of one of those, just say good-bye to that stash of coca cola under your bed,” I stated.

Kelly and Piper narrowed their eyes at me.

“Skyla, you dare blackmail the blackmailers?” Rosia asked with humor.

I smirked.

“Got some guts,” Piper stated as she walked away from the window with my book in hand. Piper tossed the book on the bed and then walked over to me. She undid the duct tape. 

I grinned thinking they had given up and were going to let me go.

“Thank you,” I muttered.

“I told you she would thank us once we were done,” Kelly said.

I rolled my eyes.

“But we aren’t done,” Piper replied.

That made me freeze for all of four seconds before taking off as fast as I could to the doorway. Before I even reached the door knob Rosia, Kelly and Piper were in front of me. Damn them being in the softball team and can run so fast.

“Where do ya think you are going? You haven’t even put on the dress," Rosia told me.

I glared at them and especially Rosia for mentioning a dress. “I’m not wearing a dress. Pig will have to fly before I do,” I spoke.

“Luckily for you when I was five, I had a dog name pig, and he flew with me on  my dad's private jet.” Kelly told me.

I furrowed my eyebrows wondering what in the hell she meant, and then I got it. Her dog, named pig, flew, there for a pig has flown.

“Doesn’t count,” I mumbled.

“Either way, you are getting in the damn dress I bought you and you are going with us to the party.” Rosia said in stern voice. It was then that I knew there was really no way out of this.

I was going to go to the three Kings’ party...

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