Harvey Academy

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I’m not rich. I wasn't born with a silver spoon in my mouth. There were no maids at my house, just a drunken father and mother. My home was not a mansion. In fact it was a trailer in the middle of absolutely nowhere. 

So you can guess my surprise when I went to  fetch  the mail and I had a letter address to me. The letter was from none other than Harvey Academy, the most prestige schools in the world.

Dear  Skyla  Ruth,

You have been accepted into Harvey Academy! We would like to  not only congratulate you, but inform you that in order to register you need to either go online or be on campus for registration day. Details on the website and location time for registration are at the bottom of letter.

We can't wait for you to come, learn, and experience Harvey Academy, where everyone shines like stars on and off the stage!

Dean Fred Macon

I smiled in pure happiness.

I’d been accepted into Harvey Academy!

A place where the rich and famous go! Just like Sarah Williston, who was my favorite author. Oh, and Neil Young! Who is also an author of a book I am currently reading. Then there is Jackie Baker, Cindy Maxton, and Piper Sun! They also all went to Harvey Academy and became famous authors!

My grin quickly turned down into a frown. I don't have money ... How will I be able to pay to go?

I turned my head a little and looked down at my bumpy, gravel, driveway. Staring at the trailer I called home, I sighed. It was so trashy looking. The once white paint was now yellow and chipping from old age. The windows were duct taped around the edges to keep the cool air inside during the summer and the cold air out during the winter. In other words, it was a cheap fix for my alcoholic parents…

Grunting slightly, I faced the black mailbox, again.

I could almost see my mother and father's expression when they hear I have gotten accepted. Without a doubt they will throw a fit and rip the paper to shreds, right in front of my eyes. All while yelling at me about how I have to stay in this hell hole of a town, just like them. 

Knowing I had to keep the letter a secret I made a simple, mental plan. I need to lock myself in my small room and figure out a way to get money so I can attend Harvey Academy.


3 Months Later

I stood in front of Harvey Academy, in utter shock. It was one of the most breath taking building I’d ever seen. The whole outside of the building was stone, not just any stone, but black  marble. To me, it looked exactly like a palace out of one of my books that I’ve read.

"Skyla, I am so happy for you getting accepted here!" My aunt Edie said with a wide smirk on her thin pink lips.

I glanced at her and gave a quick smile. "I am happy too … but what happens when my mom and dad find out that I am here and not living with you?" I questioned in sudden panic.

She gave me a reassuring grin before placing her hands on my shoulder. "We have planned this out for months,  Skyla. They will never know that you are not living with me. You and I both know that vodka and whisky will keep their minds preoccupied."

"I know, but-"

"Skyla, now you listen to your aunt Edie, things will be fine. You will have a blast here, I can feel it! Don't worry about your parents. They have no control over what I do with you anyways. I have guardianship over you now, not them."

I sighed and gave my aunt Edie a bear hug. "I wish this was like a regular high school. I’d be able to go to your house after school and we could spend more time together." I stated as I let go of her.

Aunt Edie shook her head making her long black hair sway in its ponytail. "Living in a dorm will be fun! You will have roommates and I am sure you will become great friends with that person! Oh, and remember you are here on a scholarship, don't do anything crazy. If you do, you might lose it, and have to go back to Point East High School."

"You know me aunt Edie, I am not one to go out and do crazy things. I rather stay in bed and read," I honestly admitted.

Aunt Edie chuckled and moved a piece of my blond hair behind my ear. "I know, but a school like this, changes people ... Anyways, all we can hope for is that you meet a rich guy, fall in love, and run off in the sunset together!” She said with enthusiasm.

I laughed at her because she was always into hopeless romantic stories and loved to fill my mind with fantasies. But, that was the thing, while aunt Edie believe the stories she reads would and could actually happen, I knew the truth -- they were just fantasies, nothing more. "I am one hundred percent sure I will not fall in love while I am here at Harvey Academy." I said with certainty leaking in my voice.

Aunt Edie suddenly had a skeptical look etched out on her face. "We'll see," giving me a final hug she made me promise to visit here during the holidays.

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