Chapter 9- Now Do You Believe Me?

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(From previous chapter) Harry shrugs his shoulders and looks back up at Uncle Fred, who gives Harry a thumbs up before closing the bathroom door.

I look at Harry confused, "What was that about?"

"Nothing" he says smiling, sitting next to me again.

"Alright." I say, letting it go.

Harry stands up "Alyssa I have a question I've been meaning to ask you."

My heart beat starts to speed up as I stare up at him.

He looks down and bends down on his knee and I watch intently as he ties his shoe lace.

He stands back up and I watch, still with a fastened heart beat, anxious to know the question.

"I was wondering if you would like to have dinner with me next week." He says, attempting to sound confident, but I hear the nervousness in his voice.

My heart nearly beats out of my chest from excitement. I look down, attempting to hide my enormous smile.

"Stop, don't look down." He says, "if you're smiling and hiding it, Alyssa I swear."

I look back up, smiling even more due to him knowing exactly what I was doing.

His serious face lifts, as his lips are tugged into a teeth showing grin.

"Okay. Yeah I would." I say, biting my lip from habit.

"Alright," Harry rubs his hands against his pants, "alright." he looks up at me.

He is nervous.

I smile at him, which seems to calm him down a little bit.
He stops moving about so much and quickly walks over to me and bends down.
His hands are placed on my cheeks and he pulls my head towards his.
My lips are pulled onto his as he kisses me. I place my hand on his head and kiss him back.

We both pull away, stunned.

"I was gonna wait until tomorrow but, shit," he pauses, "you just look so good." Harry is stood up, staring at me.

I stare back at him, surprised at his words.

"That's okay." I say, not knowing what else to say.

Harry stares blankly for one second, then starts laughing.

I slowly start to smile in laughter too. Not because I know what he's laughing at, but because his laugh is making me laugh.

I hear a third voice laughing, which startles me.
I turn my head and see my uncle, standing near the bathroom, I'm assuming he just got out, and he's laughing as well.

I turn to look back at Harry, who turns to look at me with a confused face.

"Sorry" my uncle says.

My uncle attempts to walk in a strait line out of the hallway.

"He's so drunk" I whisper loud enough for Harry to hear.

I hear my family get excited as my uncle enters the living room.

"That's ok" Harry says walking closer to me again.

He takes a seat next to me.
"So dinner next week is reserved at 6 o'clock on Thursday."

"Okay." I say. I turn to look at Harry.

"We just kissed" I say.
"I know." Harry says, leaning back.
"Harry, do you like me?" I say, still unsure.
"No," He says.
I nod my head, not surprised that he doesn't like me.
"Alyssa I'm joking oh my God." Harry says.
"Oh," I laugh out.
"Did you really think I was serious?" He says, leaning forward now.
"Well, yeah, I don't know. I guess, I just don't believe you." I say, honestly, looking down.
"Hey" Harry says.
I turn to look at him but see a blur before feeling his lips against mine again and I close my eyes.

To say I had butterflies would be an understatement. There were exploding fireworks in my stomach when his lips touched mine again. He rubs up closer to me, intensifying the moment, placing his hand on my waist, his lips still latched onto mine in movement.

He pulls away, breathing heavily. I was too.

"Now do you believe me?" his raspy voice slurs out.
I smile, looking down, letting out a small sigh, "Still not so sure." I say, hoping to get another kiss...which I do.


Thank you for reading!

I want to thank those of you who are always here and read my book. It honestly melts my heart so greatly and I appreciate all that you all do just being you. Thank you for always commenting, voting, and being sweethearts. And also a special thanks to the newcomers that have started to read my book recently, you guys warm my heart just as much ❤️.

And also I apologize so much for the delay of the update! I had this written for a little bit but I haven't been able to
post it!

- Jazmine <3 -

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2016 ⏰

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