Chapter 3- Kiss it

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The sun rays dance along my eyelids and I slowly start to open my eyes.

I look around, content that it's a Saturday.

The time reads 10:32

Remembering I have work later, I groan and get out of bed.

"Stop groaning you sound like a dying dog!" my mother yells

"Wow I love you too mom" I say sarcastically

All I hear is her chuckle "I'm going to go to work earlier today, Rita called in sick so I need to take her place"
She opens my door and sits on my bed.

Her nurse outfit, slightly too big on her

"So I can just drive you to work if you'd like?" I hear her talk as I rummage to find my clothes.

"Sure, yeah" I nod my head.
Until I remember about the tutoring.

"Oh wait, no, I need to tutor right after work, so I need to take my own car" I turn to face her.

She smiles and nods 'ok' "who are you tutoring now?"

"Harry" as soon as I say his name, the memories from last night flood in my head, causing a tint of red to swim on my cheeks.

"Is he cute?" she winks

"Mom?!" I look away, but really I'm just trying to hide my red cheeks.

"Alyssa I already saw your red cheeks, there's no point in trying to hide them"

I sigh and turn around sitting in the bed
"okay. yeah he's pretty cute" I blush even more.

She squeals and bounces slightly on my bed "tell me everything"


So after about 20 minutes of telling my mom everything, literally everything, (she had forced me to tell all the details) she screams and gets all excited.

"Mom, he doesn't even like me. In fact, the only reason we talk is because he needs tutoring" I say, to calm her

"Yeah yeah okay.." she looks at me and does quotes with her hands while saying "tutoring" sarcastically

"Mom! Oh my god" I can't help but laugh.

She laughs while standing up "alright well I've got to get to work, I'll see you when I see you" she hugs me and and starts walking out the door.

"Love you!" I yell

"Love you too!" I hear her grab her purse and keys, then the front door closes.

I decide I really need to get ready for work, so I find my clothes and get dressed.


"Yeah, but the cricket really did taste like a sunflower seed." my coworker, Billy, speaks as we walk to our cars after our shift is over.

"Either way, I still wouldn't stick a bug into my mouth for a snack" I shake my head no.

"Alright what ever, I'll see you next time" he unlocks his car door and slides onto the seat.

"Yeah, bye have a good day" I say instinctively.

Billy smiles and says "You too bum" as he waves.

I shake my head, laughing at the nickname.

I tap my phone screen to check the time- 7:24


I quickly get into my car and turn on the ignition.

I pull out of the parking lot and make my way towards the school.

Tutor // Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now