Chapter 8- Uncle Fred

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Two Days Till Christmas

I hear the ringing on the phone trying to reach the other line and finally hear "Hey"
"It's almost Christmas!" I say to Harry over the phone.

"Two more days" he says.
His voice did not sound excited.

"Aren't you excited?" I say smiling to myself.

"I mean, yeah I guess."

I sit quiet for a second.
"What's wrong?" I ask.

"Alyssa, I have to go, sorry" he says.

I am about to say okay, but he already hung up the phone.

I feel like an idiot for calling; There was literally no point either.

I sit back onto my bed and check my snapchats, opening and replying to friends and some family coming over for Christmas, all of which are from my mothers side, of course.

As I am about to reply to my cousin Lila, a notification pops up in banner form at the top of my screen.
A message from Harry.

I read from the banner and see "Hey Alyssa I know.."

And it disappears.

I finish answering my cousin, telling her how excited I am to be seeing her in two days, then exit snapchat and open my messages.

Harry's name is bolded as "Curly", I open the chat.

Curly: Hey Alyssa I know you're probably mad at me for the way I was talking on the phone but I promise there's a good reason, I just don't want to tell you right now.

I scan the text, rereading it once more.

Me: i'm not mad i'm just confused. what's the reason?

I am mad though.

I watch as the Delivered switches to Read and I wait for the chat bubbles to soon appear.

But I realize that he is not going to answer back.

I exit my messages and open Instagram, and scroll through my feed on my timeline.

I double-tap on a few pictures as I scroll down, giving each a like.

I open my messages again and check to see if Harry has answered, but he has not.

I lock my phone and sit back onto the couch.

I click the lock button on my phone again to check if I have any notifications, but there are none.

I do this process once again, but the outcome is the same; no notifications.

I grunt and walk up towards the fridge, opening it and staring inside, then closing the door coming out with nothing.

I click the lock button again; no notifications.

Christmas Day

I adjust my white sweater and stare into the bathroom mirror.

I had wanted to have an ugly Christmas sweater (a sweater with Christmas designs and patterns) to wear, but I do not have one.
I remember telling Harry about that, but I am pretty sure he was not paying attention.

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