Chapter 7- Uh Oh

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Harry jumps down onto the bed and covers himself with the sheets, letting out a sigh.

"The bed is comfortable isn't it?" I joke

"It might be more comfortable than my own bed if I'm being completely honest." Harry says, laughing.

I laugh along, but then the question hits me as to why did Harry decide to sleep on the floor of the guest bedroom next to the bed instead of sleeping in his own room, where he could sleep perfectly comfortable on his bed?

I don't bother asking, however, I just have it linger in my mind for a few seconds, then turn to look at Harry.

"Thanks for letting me sleep in the guest bedroom" I say as I closed-mouth smile to him.

"Anytime Lys" he closed-mouth smiles back at me.

He's never called me "Lys" before. I smile even more thinking about it.

"Sleep well" I state turning my head to face the opposite way of his.

"You too" he laughs.
He's always laughing.

I close my eyes and lay there in silence until I fall asleep, I assume he does the same.


I open my eyes and see the familiar guest bedroom wall once again.

I feel arms wrapped around my waist as my hands are rested upon the arms.

Holy shit I become wide awake very quickly. I don't move. Harry must have accidentally put his arms around me during his sleep.
I tense up. I feel his body against my back as I am laying on my side.

We're freaking spooning.

I push his arms a little as I carefully try to move, but his arms stiffen up and pull me closer to him.

I stay perfectly still, not even blinking. I think to myself whether or not I should try again or just stay like this until he eventually wakes up and notices.

His arms relax and cozy up around my waist.

I try to move one more time but again, his arms stiffen holding me still.
And I just lay there, wrapped up in his arms, helpless of getting out.

Because it's basically impossible for me to get out, I end up nuzzling myself into the small gap that I created between our bodies and close my eyes. I sigh, and open my eyes again, staring at the wall with my eyebrows furrowed because I know what's happening to me.

I'm starting to have feelings for him.
Not just a crush because he's a good looking and nice. But every time he smiles it warms me up. Every time he talks I can't help but want to stare into his eyes, but get too nervous to stare into them for too long.
It's gonna happen and it's gonna happen fast.

I shake Harry's arms gently.
"Harry" I say quietly, respecting that he's asleep.
I pause for an answer.
"Harry" I say again, shaking his arms to attempt to wake him up.
I pause again, nothing.
I shake his arms a little more vigorously and raise my voice just a tad bit to where I think he would wake up at. "Harry" I whisper.
"Harry" I say with a normal talking voice now and shake his arms again.
"Hm?" I hear him hum.
"Harry, wake up" I shake his arms, that are still wrapped around my waist, even more.
"Why" he complains, still more asleep than awake.
I lay there silent for two seconds and decide there's no reason for him to wake up, and that he should rest.
"Never mind" I say quietly.
"No, it's ok, what wrong?" he says sleepily.
I hesitate and stay quiet.
"Alyssa?" He says. I can hear by his voice that he is waking up more.
I try to move his arms off of me before he completely wakes up and realizes.

But, it's too late.

"Woah, I'm sorry" he says, slipping his arms away from around my waist.

I chuckle nervously "It's okay."

"I probably just grabbed you during my sleep or something, I'm so sorry." he says.

I thank God that it's not awkward.

"Yeah, I mean it didn't bother me but I was pretty sure it'd make you uncomfortable or something." I say

It's quiet.

I spoke too soon. It's awkward now.

I blink once or twice, waiting for him to speak.

"Nah," he states with a chill tone to his voice "I wouldn't feel uncomfortable."

I stay quiet this time. I smile and I know that I am probably blushing. He cannot see though, fortunately, my head is turned the other way.

I close my eyes and do not move from the spot where I am at, comfortable next to him.

For a few seconds we are both still, but Harry relaxes and allows his body to lean next to mine.

I smile to myself, and do the same.

My body relaxes comfortably into his.
A second or three later, I feel his arms come around my waist, catching me by surprise.
One arm slipping under me and the other on top. He connects his arms around my waist.

I rest my hand on top of his arms and feel the need to place my other hand on top of his own hand.

I do so, scared, but I do it anyways.

His hand gently grabs my own and holds onto it.

He pulls me closer to him softly, his torso against my back, the back of my head placed under his chin.

Oh no I think to myself.
It happened.


Thank you for reading I hope you enjoy!

- Jazmine <3 -

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